CTEE 5 Year Local Plan

California Community Colleges
Five-Year Local Plan
Career and Technical Education 2008-2012
Form CTE-2

 2008-2012 CTE LOCAL PLAN

NOTE:  In responding to the following section, please note that the five-year plan is a broad outline in contrast to the annual application which will require greater specificity.
Step 1:  CTE Local Planning Team Involvement
2008-2012 – Form CTE-3
District/College: Palomar Community College District

Perkins IV Section 134(b)(5) requires that a group of individuals be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs assisted with Title I, Part C funds.  The following table is to be completed with information related to these individuals and submitted as part of the 2008-2012 local plan.  There is no limitation on the number of representatives that may be appointed from each group.  Use additional pages if necessary.




Agency or

1.  Business Brian Smith Vice President San Marcos
Lori Holt Pfieler Mayor City of Escondido
2.  Industry
3.  Labor
Jennifer Nelson Director,
Palomar College
4.  Special
Ann Stadler Director, EOPS Palomar College
5.  Faculty* Dennis Lutz Professor, Drafting
Morgan Peterson Professor,
of Justice
Wade Rollins Professor, Graphics
Kathleen Clyne Professor,
Nursing Education
Lisa Romain Professor/
Career Center Director
Rita Campo Griggs Tech Prep Coordinator/
Fashion Instructor
6.  Students We have requested a student be named by the Associated Student Government for Fall 08.
7.  Others

*Specifically include both academic and CTE faculty and career guidance & academic counselors.
The majority of faculty should be representatives of career and technical education.

For audit purposes, document the input of the CTE Local Planning Team in the credit file for each year.

Step 1: Provide a brief description of how the CTE Local Planning Team was involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of the five-year local plan and 2) how the team was informed about and assisted in understanding the requirements of Perkins IV, including CTE programs of study.

  • The Perkins Planning and Advisory Committee is formally integrated into the college’s planning and governance structure.  The committee is chaired by Wilma Owens, (Dean, Career Technical and Extended Education and the project director) and reports to the Instructional Planning Council.  Faculty representatives are appointed by the Faculty Senate and student representatives are appointed by the Associated Student Government (ASG).  Other representatives are either selected by the project director or serve because of their job responsibilities. Community and labor representatives are recruited for a variety of reasons:  their interest in and knowledge of workforce education, their profession, and/or their specific interest in advancing Palomar’s workforce education capacity.  Because of the District’s strong apprenticeship programs and representation on five Joint Apprenticeship Training Councils (JATCs), Labor/Union participation and representation is a strong component of the Planning committee.
  • The committee meets “face to face” several times during the academic year to review or discuss the procedures for TOP Code selection and inclusion in the current year’s plan.  This year, there have been two meetings to discuss changes in the Perkins legislation and to develop the process for development of the Five Year Plan.  The requirement to develop specific programs of study has been woven into the training and into all curriculum reviews for CTE disciplines.  Several grants (including SB 70 projects) and strong high school partnerships have facilitated this process. Several members of the committee also attended regional training on new accountability measures.  We also hold training meetings to assist members of the committee and program and department directors in interpreting and using Labor Market Information (LMI), Core Indicator data and input from local industry advisors for program improvement.
  • The Perkins plan is truly a collaborative product.  Business, Labor and our WIA representatives bring valuable input regarding the local labor market trends.  We have been very fortunate to have the mayor of the largest city in our district as a member of our committee for the past three years.  Her contact with local businesses is invaluable.  Faculty receive one (1) service point for serving on this committee and any faculty who attends training receives professional development credit.

Step 2:  Data Analysis for Program Improvement

For the purpose of Perkins IV program improvement, describe the data used, the priority criteria established, and the analysis conducted to ensure continuous program improvement.

Palomar is extremely fortunate to have an excellent Institutional Research and Planning Department.  The department director, Michelle Barton, is known for her statewide leadership and her expertise in data collection and analysis.  Internally, we continually collect and analyze data in an effort to expand and improve our programs and services to students.  This is especially true of our CTE programs.  First, we collect and analyze data for our Institutional Review and Planning process.  This process starts with each program reviewing a three year trend of quantitative data (including data elements such as Enrollment at Census, Total FTEF, WSCH/FTEF, Success Rate, Degrees and Certificates Awarded, etc.)  The remaining elements are:

  • A narrative analysis to discuss any areas of concern or noteworthy trends.
  • Planning related to curriculum, workforce and labor market projections.
  • Planning related to class scheduling, growth, course rotations and comprehensiveness.
  • Planning related to equipment/Technology needs (This is especially important for our Perkins Plan).
  • Planning related to resources, facilities, faculty and staff needs.
  • A narrative to demonstrate the relationship of the program/discipline to the District’s Strategic Plan and the Perkins Plan (if CTE).

As stated above, this is a three year cycle.  Year one:  Plan.  Year Two: Progress and Analysis.  Year Three: New Plan.

Our next sets of data are Core Indicators for each program or discipline requesting Perkins funding.  This data is reviewed to ensure that Perkins dollars are targeted to improve documented program deficiencies or underperforming indicators.  The Perkins Planning and Advisory Committee members carefully review all proposals for funding to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the proposed activities and the Core Indicators.

Finally, for the past six years, we have collected data for program improvement through surveys.  These surveys have focused on:

  • Completers  – Those students who have received a certificate or degree in a CTE program.
  • Employers – Major employers of our graduates
  • Leavers –  Those students who completed 9 – 12 units, did not receive a certificate or degree and did not continue their education at Palomar or another institution after three semesters.

The results of these surveys provided excellent feedback and information that has been used for scheduling improvement, curriculum improvement and faculty development.

The surveys mentioned above were conducted by SBRI, a research arm of California State University San Marcos (CSUSM).  This year, we purchased new software to enable us to collect data at the program level.  We hope that this will provide data that is even more useful for program improvement.

Step 3:  Responses to Perkins IV §134(b) Requirements for Descriptions of District Compliance

Provide the information as requested below for the elements required in Perkins IV §134(b).  Number the responses as they are presented here.

1.    Describe how the requirements for use of funds under §135(b) will be met – §134(b)(1);

Meeting the requirements for use of funds begins with education.  Staff and faculty are encouraged to attend (national, state and regional) workshops and conferences to better understand the intent of the Perkins legislation as well as appropriate and successful implementation strategies.  We have also updated our process and held several campus-wide workshops that were required for faculty and staff who requested Perkins funds for specific programs or disciplines.  Beyond education, we have stringent oversight from the Perkins Planning and Advisory Committee and involvement (in the form of monitoring, auditing and enforcement of pertinent State and Federal laws) from senior management (Vice Presidents of Instruction and Finance).

Additionally, the committee has developed the below guidelines for reviewing proposals:  Proposers are aware that their proposals must be complete and that the five areas below will be used as review criteria:

  • Were all required components of the application completed and submitted on time?
  •  Is there a correlation between the project activities and the required/permissive uses of Perkins funds?
  •  Is there a correlation between the project activities and the Measures/Evidence of Project Success?
  • Are the proposed activities allowable under Perkins guidelines?  Note:  If only one or two activities are not allowable under Perkins guidelines, but a majority of the activities are permissible, programs will be contacted and will be provided an opportunity to change the activity.
  • If the program has received Perkins funding in the past, do they consistently follow through with planned activities and provide reports and requested documentation in a timely manner?  Have they provided evidence of the measurable outcomes stated in their previous plans?

2.    Describe how CTE activities will meet state and local adjusted levels of performance established in §113 – §134(b)(2);

All CTE proposals for funds will be evaluated using criteria that ensure continuous program improvement in each of the five core indicator measures.  The described or proposed activities must meet state and local adjusted levels of performance.  The college’s committee has implemented local measures that mirror the State’s; that is, programs that fail to meet 90% of an agreed upon target will be required to develop and implement an improvement plan.  The committee will closely monitor programs throughout the life of this plan.

3.     Describe how the recipient will:

A.  Offer appropriate courses, including not less than one career and technical program of study as described in §122(c)(1)(A);

B.  Improve the academic and technical skills of students participating in CTE programs through integration;

C.  Provide students with strong experience in all aspects of an industry;

D.  Ensure that CTE students are taught to the same challenging academic proficiencies as are taught for all other students; and

E.  Encourage CTE students to enroll in rigorous and challenging courses in core academic subjects – §134(b)(3);

Before a program is considered for inclusion in the District’s Perkins plan, the committee considers the following criteria:

  • Does the project have potential for improving student learning in the career/technical education program?
  • Are the planned activities and expected outcomes worthwhile, well-developed, and realistic?
  • Is the evaluation (measurement/evidence) plan clearly tied to the project outcomes?  Is the evaluation likely to provide useful information to the career/technical education program and others?
  • Is the rationale for selecting particular activities based on sound research or the best practices of others?
  • Does the project provide for effective assessment of student learning?
  • Is the evidence of institutional support clear and compelling, and have plans for long term institutionalization been addressed?
  • Do the proposed activities align with a clearly defined program of study and will there be secondary and post secondary components?

If there is clear, substantiated evidence that the proposal meets these criteria, it is given a favorable vote.

The college’s Curriculum Committee oversees a rigorous review of all courses in the college’s inventory every five years.  This review insures that Course Outlines of Record (COR’s) reflect currency (i.e., the most current editions of textbooks and resources are incorporated), updated learning outcomes and new industry trends.  This committee also oversees the Program Review Process where CTE programs undergo review every two years.  As evidenced by our large inventory of TechPrep articulated courses, our high school partners are active in the creation of relevant programs of study.

Palomar has always had faculty who understood that academic rigor was not limited to transfer or general education programs.  Our faculty have created programs such as “Reading, Writing and Wrenches”, infusing Automotive Technology with basic communications skills.  Palomar is a designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HIS) so we will continue the strong connection between CTE and ESL (enhancing VESL programs) to provide tools and success skills for the large percentage of our students for whom English is not the first language.

Finally, we will support faculty in their quest to provide a wide exposure to all aspects of their industry.  This includes hosting events similar to our successful Graphics Communications Career Day.  For this event, as many as 50 working professionals are brought to campus to expose students to the breadth and depth of the graphics career ladder. We will continue to use funds to take students to industry via field trips, to provide opportunities for faculty to complete short industry externships to upgrade their skills, bring in speakers who are renowned in their industries to inspire and train students and faculty.

4.    Describe how comprehensive professional development, including initial teacher preparation, will be provided.   Education personnel includes:  CTE instructors, academic instructors, guidance counselors, and administrative personnel.  Areas of professional development include integration of coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards, curriculum development, and relevant CTE.  – §134(b)(4);

Palomar has always recognized the fact that professional development for faculty is a vital element of student success and we have developed an award winning faculty development program.  Each full-time faculty member is paid for 72 hours of professional development.  Part-time professors receive payment for up to nine hours.  Faculty are allowed to self design their activities but must have those activities approved by a committee.  They may choose from a variety of on-campus or on-line workshops, attend professional conferences, spend time working on curriculum or networking with other faculty or industry professionals.  (See http://www.palomar.edu/pd/).  The college also subscribes to 4Faculty.org, an online professional development service, and is a member of the North County Higher Education Consortia (NCHEA) which allows faculty from Mira Costa College, Palomar College and CSUSM to collaborate on many professional development activities.  For CTE faculty, funds will be allocated for some or all of the following activities:

  •  Attending professional conferences
  • Attending workshops
  • Purchasing publications
  • Developing new strategies for integration of academics
  • Enhancing professional competencies
  • Obtaining new or updating certifications

5.    Describe how a wide variety of stakeholders are involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of CTE, and how they are informed about the requirements of Perkins IV including career and technical programs of study – §134(b)(5);

Because the response to this requirement is provided in Step 1:  “CTE Local Planning Team Involvement,” no response is required here, rather reference Step 1 here.

See Step 1

6.    Describe how you assure that programs are of such size, scope, and quality to bring about improvement in the quality of CTE programs – §134(b)(6);

The data collected in Step 2 is a major component of our program improvement process.  We collect enrollment data, feedback from students, employers and members of our many Industry Advisory Committees (each CTE program has a committee).  Our faculty attend conferences, network with professionals across the State and the nation to incorporate trends and processes that make our students more competitive in the workforce.  Some programs (Nursing, Paramedics, Dental Assisting, Fire Technology and Administration of Justice) have external accreditations that provide feedback for improvement.  All of these elements converge to make sure that we have formal, documented processes and methods to continually improve the quality of our programs.

7.    Describe the process that will be used to evaluate and continuously improve performance – §134(b)(7);

Because the response to this requirement is provided in Step 2:  “Data Analysis for Program Improvement,” no response is required here, rather reference Step 2 here.


See Step 2

8.    Describe how the eligible recipient will:

A.   Review CTE programs, and identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers that lower access to or success for special populations;

B.   Provide programs that are designed to enable special populations to meet the local adjusted levels of performance; and

C.   Provide activities to prepare special populations (including single parents and displaced home-makers) for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency – §134(b)(8);

Palomar has a number of strategies in place that are designed to remove barriers for special populations students enrolled in CTE programs.  First, CTE faculty and administrators are involved in the planning and implementation for our Basic Skills Initiative to make sure that those CTE students who lack the reading, writing and computation skills needed for success in their programs receive the assistance needed.  Secondly, the directors of the Disability Resource Center and EOPS serve as members of the Perkins Planning and Advisory Committee to articulate and advocate for the needs of students who are members of special populations.  Thirdly, Perkins funds are set aside to meet the needs of special needs students.  For example, we used funds to hire a tutor for a student in a cabinet making class who had lost his eyesight.  This enabled the student to continue working at his chosen craft.  We have purchased adaptive computer equipment for a lab so that students with disabilities are not excluded from enrolling in a specific CTE program.  Through DRC, Palomar also provides special career counseling services for students with physical, learning, hearing, communication and psychological disabilities.  These strategies and programs work to remove barriers and to prepare students who are members of special populations for high wage, in demand jobs.

We will also allocate funds for bilingual instructional aides.  We feel that this will improve lab safety, sanitation and communication with students for whom English is not a native language.

9.    Describe how individuals who are members of special populations will not be discriminated against based on this status – §134(b)(9);

One of the core values of which our campus community is most proud is that we “celebrate diversity in people, philosophies, cultures, beliefs, programs, and learning environments”, (See the Strategic Plan at http://www.palomar.edu/strategicplanning/Strategic%20Plan%202009/Strategic%20Plan%202009_book%20as%20printed.pdf).  We not only adhere to all Federal and State guidelines which prohibit discrimination of any kind; we go beyond to create a campus climate of inclusiveness.  This attitude carries over to our CTE programs.  Members of special populations are recruited for our programs provided the tools necessary for success when they enroll.

10. Describe how funds will be used to promote preparation for non-traditional training and employment – §134(b)(10);

Nontraditional training and employment are still major issues for some programs.  Specifically, we have difficulty recruiting females and minorities for fire, police and paramedic programs; males and minorities for nursing; males for dental assisting and females and minorities for transportation technologies and welding.  Listed below are some of the ways in which funds will be used to promote non-traditional training and employment:


  • Review existing and develop marketing materials (print and web) to make sure they portray inclusiveness.
  • Develop partnerships with community groups to recruit and mentor students.
  • Promote faculty and staff participation in workshops and conferences where strategies for recruiting and nontraditional student success are the focus.
  • Continue and enhance partnerships with employer groups to jointly identify and recruit nontraditional students.
  • Recruit more faculty who are representative of nontraditional students (we have hired our first female welding instructor).
  • Continue participation in career fairs.
  • Continue relationships with trade unions.

11.  Describe how career guidance and academic counseling will be provided to CTE students, including linkages to future education and training opportunities – §134(b)(11); and

We have long stressed that ALL counselors should have the ability to provide CAREER and ACADEMIC counseling to students, and that ALL counselors should be familiar with the college’s CTE programs and support services.  Towards this end, we have identified counselors and faculty from all areas of the campus to “cross-train” their peers.  We have provided opportunities for faculty and counselors from academic and career areas (and their high school counterparts) to participate in business/industry externships as teams.  The major objective has been to develop products (such as lesson plans and curriculum) that can be used to enhance counseling and teaching strategies.  Finally, we are always looking for opportunities to expose our students to CTE teaching careers.  Each academic year, the Career Center offers an open workshop that provides guidance and information to potential candidates.  Topics and activities for the workshop include general information such as education requirements (both at Palomar and four year institutions) and testimonials from successful and enthusiastic teachers.  Perkins funds help to cover a portion of this workshop.

12. Describe efforts to improve:

A.   The recruitment and retention of career and technical education faculty and career guidance and academic counselors, including individuals in groups underrepresented in the teaching profession; and

B.   The transition to teaching from business and industry – §134(b)(12).

Our industry advisory committees have long been fertile ground for faculty recruitment and are still a major source of new CTE faculty.  We are beginning, however, to strengthen a new recruitment component – students.  As an example, our Cabinet and Furniture Technology has developed a process of “Grow Your Own”.  They have identified students with a strong aptitude for the discipline, they have mentored them through the formal education process, provided opportunities for them to work as “Teacher Assistants (TA’s), and then hired them as part-time teachers.  When the need/opportunity arises for that discipline to hire a full-time, tenure track professor, there will potentially be a large pool of qualified applicants. The same process is being used successfully in other disciplines. In the Spring of 08, we will be hiring a tenure track faculty member in Diesel Technology.  Fifty percent of the applicants had been students or student workers in our program.

Other strategies that we will use to improve in this area are (but not limited to):

  • Development and distribution of targeted recruitment tools (print or web based).
  • Attending conferences and workshops aimed at recruitment and retention of faculty and counselors.
  • Providing professional development opportunities (internal and external) to faculty and counselors.

Step 4:  Complete the signature page, assemble the plan, and submit the five-year plan by Tuesday, April 21, 2008.

  • Complete the attached five-year 2008-2012 CTE Local Plan Cover Page provided in Appendix J, form CTE-1.
  •  Assemble the materials.  The five-year local plan will be comprised of the following items:

a.   2008-2012 CTE Local Plan Cover Page – form CTE-1

b.   List of Members of the CTE Local Planning Team – form CTE-3

c.   Involvement of the CTE Local Planning Team – Step 1, form CTE-2

d.   Data analysis for Program Improvement – Step 2, form CTE-2

  1. Responses to Perkins IV §134(b) Requirements for Descriptions of District  Compliance –  Step 3, form CTE-2
  • Number the pages beginning with the List of Members of Perkins IV Local Planning Team and continue sequentially through the remainder of the pages.
  • Staple the local plan in the upper left-hand corner of the document.  Do not use other methods of binding.
  • Obtain the District Superintendent/President original signature in an ink color other than black on four copies of the Cover Page.
  • Submit all four copies of the Local Plan to:


California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Career Technical Education Unit
1102 Q. Street – Third Floor
Sacramento, CA  95811-6549



  • Due  Date:  Tuesday, April 21, 2008