Biological Anthropology Links

General Sites on Biological Anthropology and Science

The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science

American Association of Physical Anthropologists

Texas A&M University Anthropology Department (Anthropology in the News)

The Biological Anthropology Web

UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology (Good paleontology and geology information)

Dr. O’Neil’s Anthropology Tutorials

Classification Systems (Taxonomy)

UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology


NOVA Online – DNA Fingerprint Lab  (An animated exercise on how and what is done at a DNA Fingerprint lab)


DNA from the Beginning (An animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes and heredity by the Dolan, DNA Learning Center)

The Human Genome Project

Primer on Molecular Genetics (Part of the Human Genome Project website)

NOVA Ghost in Your Genes – Epigenetic Therapy 

NOVA Online – Tracing Ancestry with MtDNA

NOVA Online – DNA Fingerprint Lab (An animated exercise on how and what is done at a DNA Fingerprint lab)

Blood Typing Exercise (Nobel e-museum has information on Nobel prize winners and their projects** excellent site)

Biotechnology and FAQs

National Cancer Institute Publications Locator Home

 Human Evolution

Talk Origins Archive  (Updates in paleoanthropology and discussion between evolution and creationism)

Leakey Foundation (News, events, discoveries and projects in paleoanthropology and primatology)

The Smithsonian Human Institution Human Origins Program  (A site with visuals of various hominin remains)

Becoming Human (The Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University)

NOVA – Neandertals on Trial  (comparison of Neandertals and anatomically modern H. sapiens)

The Cave of Lascaux, France  (A virtual tour of the famous Upper Paleolithic Cave)

The Cave of Chauvet – Pont- D’Arc, France (A virtual tour of an Upper Paleolithic Cave)

15 Answers to Creationist Questions, Scientific American Journal – July 2002


E-Skeletons Project website  (Enables you to view the bones of a human, gorilla, and baboon and gather information about them from the osteology database at University of Texas at Austin)

The Skull Module from CSU Chico  (A visual and description of the bones found in the human skull)

Anatomy of the Human Body  (An online book by Henry Gray)


Primate Info Net (Library and Information Service National Primate Research Center – University of Wisconsin, Madison)

The Jane Goodall Institute– for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation – The Gorilla Foundation

Great Ape Trust | Bonobos, Orangutans and the study of ape language, tools and Intelligence  (Home of Kanzi and other famous apes)

Language Research Center – Georgia State University  (studies on chimpanzees, rhesus macaques, and capuchins)

Duke University Lemur Center

Living Links: A Center for the Advanced Study of Ape and Human Evolution (Emory University)

Leakey Foundation (News, events, discoveries and projects in primatology and paleoanthropology)