Mission 2: Create service learning and internship opportunities for geospatial students

By leveraging resources (i.e. internship stipends) provided by the NSF project as well as existing campus resources (i.e. Service Learning Office), 71 students have performed geospatial service learning projects for 32 unique organizations from the community.  This annual average participation rate of 23.7 students (i.e. 71 students/3 years) in service learning during the grant period marks a 162% increase from pre-grant period (9 annual student participants). Examples of organizations served include the American Red Cross, City of Oceanside, San Diego Archaeological Center, San Diego Fire Authority, the United Nations Environment Programme, and addressed critical societal issues such as food insecurity, emergency preparedness, and mangrove degradation. 97% of the students who completed service projects agreed that service learning enhanced their understanding of the course materials, and provide them with valuable professional experience and connections for internships and employment. During the same period (2010-2013), 50 students completed the Internship course (GEOGRAPHY 138).

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