Music Classes

Advisors: M. Byrne, phone ext. 2809,; P. Kurokawa, phone ext. 2322,; E. Weller, phone ext. 3949,

Contact the Performing Arts Department for further information.
(760) 744-1150, ext. 2316
Office: PAC-122

View the Music section of the Palomar College 2014-2015 Course Catalog here.

State Regulations (Title 5, Sections 55040-55041) limit the number of times a student may take courses with related content and similar primary educational activities. Therefore, some combinations of course work in Music have limitations on the number of times a student may enroll. Some Music courses may be repeated provided student has not reached the limitation for the applicable group of Music courses. Specific information about enrollment limitations for Music classes is available at Courses numbered under 100 are not intended for transfer credit.

MUS 90 Fundamental Preparation for Music Majors (2)
1½ hours lecture – 1½ hours laboratory
Designed as the entry-level music fundamentals class for music majors, including basic music terminology, rhythm and pitch notation, clefs, scales, intervals and triads. Keyboard and aural skills will also be introduced, along with a concise outline of the major style periods of music history. The ability to read music is strongly recommended and desirable. Provides essential background for advanced courses in music theory.

MUS 96A Special Projects: Performance (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition Participation in group or solo performances beyond those normally expected in individual study classes.

MUS 96B Special Projects: Research (1, 2, 3)
3, 6, or 9 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 105 Special study in the areas of music theory, composition, history, or literature.

MUS 97D Music Topics (.5 – 4)
Units awarded in topics courses are dependent upon the number of hours required of the student. Any combination of lecture and/or laboratory may be scheduled by the department. Refer to Class Schedule. Topics in Music. See Class Schedule for specific topic offered. Course title will designate subject covered.

MUS 100 Music Appreciation (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A survey course that develops musical listening skills through lectures, discussion, in-class listening to recorded music, and live concert attendance. Stylistic and structural elements, cultural roles of music and musicians, and contributions of technology in Western music are examined through representational works from the earliest notated music to the present.

MUS 101 Survey of 20th Century Music (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Music from the mid 19th Century to the recent avant garde, with emphasis on understanding the issues and philosophies of modern musical thought.

MUS 102 Introduction to Jazz (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Surveys the historical and musical development of jazz as a unique African American expression from the beginning of slavery in the U.S. to the current global multicultural expression of jazz in the twenty-first century. Emphasis is placed on how racial, socio-economic, and gender relationships between whites, African Americans and Latinos were reflected in and influenced by jazz musicians, and the evolving technological contexts in which jazz has developed. Students become active listeners, and develop culturally relevant aesthetic criteria in contextualizing jazz performances.

MUS 103 Fundamentals of Music (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Training in the fundamentals of music, primarily for the non music major. The course of study includes a thorough acquaintance with scales, intervals, keys and triads, as well as development in ability to sight read simple melodic material and take simple melodic dictation.

MUS 105 Music Theory I (3)
3 hours lecture – 2 hours laboratory
Corequisite: MUS 110
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Analysis and written work in melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic structure of music. Includes review of music rudiments and study of structure and harmonic usage of triads. Required concert attendance.

MUS 106 Music Theory II (3)
3 hours lecture – 2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 105
Corequisite: MUS 111
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Continuation of MUS 105, extending analysis and written work into all aspects of diatonic harmony, secondary dominants, and elementary modulation. Music literacy is developed through listening and score reading assignments. Required concert attendance.

MUS 110 Music Skills I (1)
1 hour lecture – 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to read and write basic music notation
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Melodic and rhythmic sight reading and dictation. Required concert attendance. Required for students with a major in music.

MUS 111 Music Skills II (1)
1 hour lecture – 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 110
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Continuation of MUS 110 and harmonic dictation. Required concert attendance. Required for students with a major in music.

MUS 112 Basic Sound Reinforcement (3)
2 hours lecture – 3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as ENTT/TA 112
Transfer acceptability: CSU
An introduction to basic sound equipment and reinforcement principles. To understand basic set up, operation, and troubleshooting of live Public Address systems in a concert or theatrical setting.

MUS 114 Advanced Sound Reinforcement (1.5 – 2)
4½ – 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA/ENTT/MUS 112
Note: Cross listed as ENTT/TA 114
Transfer acceptability: CSU Advanced principles of electronic sound, acoustics, equalization and effects processing, recording of live sound in a concert or theatrical setting, equipment management and design techniques.

MUS 115 Basic Keyboard I (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to the keyboard through the study of notation, basic hand positions, and chord formations.

MUS 116 Accelerated Basic Keyboard (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to read music in treble and bass clefs
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Accelerated class for the beginning keyboard student. Required of all students with a major in music and for music credential candidates.

MUS 117 Basic Keyboard II (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 115 or the passing of equivalency test
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Keyboard experience through the further study of notation, scales, and chord progressions. Sight reading and improvisation.

MUS 119 Piano Skills I (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 117 or the passing of equivalency test
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Piano techniques including scales and arpeggios, sight reading, and ensemble playing. Required of all music majors and for credential candidates.

MUS 125 Musicianship for Elementary Teachers (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Skills and competencies required in the elementary school classroom including basic music theory, sight singing, classroom instruments, voice, and a useful repertoire of songs selected from State adopted music textbooks. It is recommended that students lacking a basic knowledge of the piano enroll in MUS 115 concurrently.

MUS 130 Fundamental Vocal Skills (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Introduction to the basics of singing. Includes proper breath control and posture, practice techniques, diction, and performance of simple song literature.

MUS 131 Vocal Literature and Performance (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 130
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Establishment of a basic repertoire for the singer. Rehearsal and performance of folk songs; musical theatre; and Italian, German, French, and English art songs.

MUS 134 Palomar Women’s Chorus (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of standard choral literature for women’s voices. Trips to college choir festivals and performances in the community and at Palomar College.

MUS 137 Cuban and Brazilian Drumming I (.5 – 1)
1½, 2, or 3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as DNCE 137
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Drum, percussion and song classes in the traditions of Escola de Samba from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Afro-Cuban traditions, popular and folkloric; Rumba, Congo (Makuta/Palo), Franco/Haitian (Gaga/Congo Layet) from East and West Cuba. Develop ability to work as a drum ensemble.

MUS 138 Cuban and Brazilian Drumming II (.5 – 1)
1½, 2, or 3 hours laboratory Limitation on enrollment: Enrollment subject to audition
Note: Cross listed as DNCE 138
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Intermediate level drum, percussion and song classes in the traditions of Escola de Samba from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Afro-Cuban traditions, Rumba, Congo, Makuta from Cuba. Develop ability to work as part of a drum ensemble.

MUS 143 Palomar Chorale Chamber Ensemble (.5,1)
1½ or 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition with emphasis on vocal ability and music reading
Transfer acceptability: CSU Rehearsal and performance of choral and chamber music for voices. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required.

MUS 147 Concert Choir (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Previous singing experience
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of standard choral literature. Trips to college choir festivals and performances in the community and at Palomar College.

MUS 148 Palomar Chorale (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of standard oratorio and choral literature. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required.

MUS 149 Spectrum Pop/Jazz Singers (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A group of singers specializing in the performance of jazz, gospel, rock, musical theatre, and popular music. Improvement of musicianship and concept of style. The ensemble gives campus and community concerts. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required.

MUS 150 Musical Theatre – Vocal (.5,1)
1½ or 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of vocal musical theatre literature. Attendance at all scheduled rehearsals and productions is required.

MUS 151 Concert Band (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to perform on one or more band instruments
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Study, rehearsal, and performance of standard concert band music.

MUS 152 Jazz Ensemble (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to perform on one or more instruments and read music. Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of standard stage band literature. Opportunities for students to arrange and compose for the band and rehearse the ensemble. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required.

MUS 155 Chamber Ensemble – Brass (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to perform on one or more instruments and to sight read music
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of chamber music literature for brass.

MUS 157 Guitar Ensembles (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition with emphasis on music reading
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Performance practice considerations for ensemble music from various periods of music history, with an emphasis on music reading and classical technique.

MUS 158 Chamber Singers (.5,1)
1½ or 3 hours laboratory Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition with emphasis on vocal ability and music reading
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of chamber music for voices.

MUS 159 Musical Theatre Orchestra (.5,1)
1½ or 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition; ability to play an instrument and read music at sight
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Rehearsal and performance of musical theatre literature. Attendance at all scheduled productions is required.

MUS 161 Summer Concert Band (.5)
1½ hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to perform on one or more instruments
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Study, rehearsal, and performance of standard concert band music.

MUS 162 Summer Stage Band (.5)
1½ hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Ability to perform on an instrument and read music
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Extensive reading and rehearsing of jazz and jazz rock literature.

MUS 170 Great Musicians Through Film (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
The study of the life and compositions of such composers as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Bruckner, and Stravinsky through documentary and biographical films accompanied by lectures and discussions as well as biographical film sketch of Authur Rubenstein.

MUS 171 World Music (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A survey of world music including North American Indian, Mexico, India, Japan, Indonesia, Middle East, China, Africa, and South America, with emphasis on understanding the cultural background, instruments, musical characteristics and the impact of world music on the 20th century culture.

MUS 172 Repertory Jazz Ensemble (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU Study and preparation of professional level materials for the large jazz ensemble.

MUS 173 Musical Theatre Scenes (1)
3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as DNCE 173/TA 173
Transfer acceptability: CSU Rehearsal and performance of solo and group scenes from Broadway musicals dating from the 1930’s to the present.

MUS 175 Beginning Guitar (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to the fingerboard through the study of notation, basic hand positions, and chord formations.

MUS 176 Intermediate Guitar (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 175
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A continuation of MUS 175 with a more in-depth study of the classical, flamenco, blues, and jazz styles. Theory, technique, and interpretation will be thoroughly explored.

MUS 178 Classical Guitar (2)
2 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 175 or ability to read music
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Guitar techniques in the classical style, with emphasis on sight reading and ensemble playing as well as performance of guitar literature from the Renaissance through the early 20th Century.

MUS 179 Beginning Flamenco Guitar (2)
2 hours lecture Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of guitar
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Students will learn necessary terminology, harmony, rhythm, and additional techniques in order to develop a basic knowledge of Flamenco Guitar.

MUS 180 Computer Music I (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 103 or 115 or ARTI 246 or GCMW 204
Transfer acceptability: CSU
This course is designed to give students an understanding of basic computer music application including sound design, MIDI, and music notation software.

MUS 181 Computer Music II (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 180, or concurrent enrollment in MUS 180
Transfer acceptability: CSU An overview of digital audio techniques. Topic in sound synthesis, sound design, and sampling.

MUS 182 Introduction to Arts Management (3)
9 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as AMS 182, ART 182, DNCE 182, TA 182
Transfer acceptability: CSU
An introduction to the principles and practices of arts management through an interdisciplinary study of management topics in the visual and performing arts.

MUS 183 Internship in Arts Management (3)
9 hours laboratory Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in AMS/ART/DNCE/TA 182
Note: Cross listed as AMS 183/ART 183/DNCE 183/TA 183
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Practical experience in arts management in the visual and performing arts.

MUS 184 Electronic Ensemble (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 103
Transfer acceptability: CSU Instruction in music technology, composition, and performance. Students will compose and participate in performances of original works for electronic, computer, and acoustic instruments.

MUS 187 Computer Music Composition (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 103 or MUS 115, and MUS 180 and MUS 181
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Students will work on individual computer music compositions. Instruction will include, but is not limited to, computer music software and hardware overviews. This will include composition and notation techniques, music analysis, detailed work on specific software applications, music publishing information, and rehearsal and part preparation. Students may also take this in conjunction with computer music classes in order to receive further tutelage with that class material.

MUS 197 Topics in Music (.5-3)
Units awarded in topics courses are dependent upon the number of hours required of the student. Any combination of lecture and/or laboratory may be scheduled by the department. Refer to Class Schedule.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC – Credit determined by UC upon review of course syllabus.
Workshops in various special topics in music.

MUS 198 Palomar Symphony Orchestra (.5,1)
1½ or 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Study, rehearsal, and performance of a wide variety of orchestral literature from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century styles. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required.

MUS 210 Advanced Harmony (3)
3 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 106 Corequisite: MUS 215
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Analysis and written work in altered chords, chromatic harmony, modulation, structural form (sonata allegro), and 20th Century developments. Required concert attendance.

MUS 211 Counterpoint (3)
3 hours lecture – 2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 210
Corequisite: MUS 216
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC Analysis and written work in two and three voice counterpoint in the 18th Century style (invention and fugue). Required concert attendance.

MUS 215 Music Skills III (1)
1 hour lecture – 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 111
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Continuation of MUS 111 and four part harmonic dictation. Introduction to chromatic dictation. Required for students with a major in music.

MUS 216 Music Skills IV (1)
1 hour lecture – 3 hours laboratory Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 215
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Continuation of MUS 215 and contrapuntal dictation. Required for students with a major in music, but open to all students.

MUS 220 Applied Music (2)
6 hours laboratory Corequisite: MUS 222 and at least one music ensemble (MUS 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 157, 158, 159, 172, 173, 184, 198)
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment subject to audition
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Individual lessons with music instructor developing basic techniques in applied music. Student is required to practice on campus, be concurrently enrolled in a music ensemble, participate in Performance Studies class, and perform for music juries at the conclusion of the semester.

MUS 222 Performance Studies (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Corequisite: MUS 220 Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A combination of private studio instruction in instrument or voice with an off campus instructor, plus on campus training in performance skills.
Required conditions:
1. Fourteen clock hours of instruction with a private instructor and adequate practice time are required.
2. At the end of the semester the student will be required to perform for the Music Faculty.
3. Student should have necessary skills and technique on chosen instrument to begin training in public performance: Piano, Baritone Horn, Harpsichord, Tuba, Organ, Percussion, Voice, Violin, Flute, Viola, Oboe, Cello, Clarinet, Contrabass, Saxophone, Harp, Bassoon, Classical Guitar, French Horn, Classical Accordion, Trumpet, Studio Guitar, Trombone

MUS 223 Premier Chamber Ensembles (1)
3 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Chamber music ensembles for advanced performers. Enrollment subject to audition.

MUS 224 Introduction to Jazz Piano (.5)
2 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 117 or the passing of equivalency test
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Provides students with a practical knowledge and proficiency in concepts pertaining to jazz piano, including reading chord symbols, chord voicings, stylistically appropriate accompaniment, and improvising in a jazz and/or pop music idiom.

MUS 225 Piano Skills II (.5)
2 hours laboratory Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 119 or the passing of equivalency test
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Continuation of piano techniques with emphasis on improvised accompaniments, sight reading, ensemble playing, pedaling, and practice techniques.

MUS 227 Accompanying Ensemble (1)
3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 225 or the passing of equivalency test
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Techniques of, and practical experience in, piano accompaniment for ensembles, vocalists, and instrumentalists.

MUS 250 Choral Conducting (1)
1 hour lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 105 or experience in conducting choirs
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Practical conducting methods for choral musicians. Discussion and study of issues concerning musical rehearsal and performance with treble, SAB and SATB choral ensembles.

MUS 251 Master Class in Keyboard Literature, Analysis and Performance (.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3)
½, 1, 1½, 2, or 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in MUS 225 or the passing of equivalency test
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Survey of keyboard literature presented in a master class format. Analysis of styles and techniques of solo and ensemble performances.

MUS 297 Experimental Topics in Music (.5 -3)
Units awarded in topics courses are dependent upon the number of hours required of the student. Any number of laboratory hours may be scheduled by the department. Refer to Class Schedule.
Prerequisite: Enrollment subject to project approval.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC – credit determined by UC upon review of course syllabus. Advanced music projects including individual research, tutoring and performance for college classes and community projects.

Last updated: February 2015