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Relax your body, mind with the Upward Bow

Sitting down all day at a desk can be detrimental not only to your body, but your mind as well. As important as it is to work out your brain at school, it is equally important to calm your mind and return to your centered self.

Yoga is the perfect exercise for the body, mind and heart.

Susan Whaley demonstrates the Wheel Pose, otherwise known as the Upward Bow, a technique used to increase energy. Daniel Kresge/ The Telescope
Susan Whaley demonstrates the Wheel Pose, otherwise known as the Upward Bow, a technique used to increase energy. Daniel Kresge/ The Telescope

This week’s yoga pose is focused on getting up from your chair and stretching your body out. Muscles are meant to move and be used, not to be in a stagnant, slouching position all day. To combat being in an isolated position is the Wheel Pose, also known as Upward Bow.

A few benefits to this pose are easing back pain and an increase in energy which counteracts against depression, according to Yoga Journal.

Any yoga pose in which you go upside down helps to let go of your fears, according to “Yoga Cures” by Tara Stiles. This is because you are seeing an inverted perspective of the world upside down as you go into the unknown.

Blood flowing to the head and stretching the the arc of the body is a great alternative to what you normally do in college all day – sitting down.

Start by pressing your hands into the floor firmly to keep yourself stable. Get yourself off the floor by bending the elbows and lifting your chest and heart up. As you progress with the Wheel Pose, your spine will elongate and the arc will become more defined as you stretch into it deeper.

And, don’t forget to breathe.

After holding the pose for 10 seconds or five breaths lay on your back and hold your knees to rest the curve of your back and neck. Gently push your back into the floor, by pushing your hips up, to help keep your spine straight. This relaxes and decompresses the entire body in a comfortable position.

As a beginner, not every pose will look perfect, but just taking the time to do it will make all the difference. After practicing yoga for a just few days you will begin to notice how you have more energy throughout the day and can sleep better at night.

Check out the next issue of The Telescope on March 30 for a new pose to help get through college in a more balanced way.

Image Sources

  • Susan Whaley Wheel Pose 2015: Daniel Kresge/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
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