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How to Be Happy Now

People face many difficulties everyday. Sometimes they feel lonely and depressed in the way of going through difficulties.

However, in this website,, introduces “How to Be Happy Now.” Here are three from the list of “How to Be Happy Now.”

1. Capitalize on Positive Events

It is great to ask people such as a friend, colleague or partner to tell you some of their good stories of the day. The stories can be anything at least they enjoy talking about. The point when you listen to them is actively listening. Then you will notice that it makes them feel cared and increase their positivity. Plus, talking such a positive event is already another good event. It will develop your relationship too.

2. Practice Forgiveness

When people hurt you, you can forgive them to release the distress which increases painful time again from the bad memory. According to this website, “To practice forgiveness, you need to commit to your personal healing, recognize your distress is coming from your feelings and thoughts, remind yourself that you can hope for positive things and work hard to get them, decide to make some positive goals to put your energy into, focus on what is good in your life right now, and change the way you think of the past.” It is not easy to do, but at the same time, forgiveness has some great benefits such as increasing life satisfactions, more positive emotions and fewer symptoms of physical illness. Plus, forgiveness brings higher happiness to the next day.

3. Savor the Moment

In any moment you live, trying to look for something beautiful and appreciated. It can be playing with your dogs, looking at the sky and eating your favorite food. You sometimes stop and aware of how you are feeling in this moment. Even though it is the small things, you can find something nice from it and enjoy it. It builds up your happiness.

There are more details about “How to Be Happy now.”

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