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270writearr.gif (1825 bytes) sidedir.gif (12005 bytes)You will write two papers, at least 5 pages in length for this class.  The definition of a five-page paper is a double-spaced paper that goes to the bottom of the fifth page
 [a 4 1/2-page paper is not a 5-page paper].

Possible topics for Tolkien paper #1 on The Hobbit, Tree and Leaf, or LOTR

1.  Analyze any character: Bilbo, Niggle, Frodo, Aragorn, Sam--What are their strengths and weaknesses?   How do they change over the course of their "adventures"?  What part do they play in the Quest?

2.  Compare and contrast any two characters:  Bilbo and Frodo; Aragorn and Boromir;  Gandalf and Saruman;  Sam and Gollum;  Theoden and Denethor.

3.  Discuss the use of fire as a motif in The Hobbit.

4.  Discuss the light/dark imagery in LOTR.

5.  Choose any theme of The Hobbit or LOTR and illustrate how the story develops this theme:  hospitality, avarice vs generosity, heroism, perseverance, interconnectedness of peoples and times, declining world.

6.  Analyze Book 2 of LOTR as a Winter world or Book 3 as Spring or rejuvenation.

7.  Discuss the use of visions in LOTR (Galadriel's mirror, Amun Hen, Palantir, Gandalf's ability to see what happened on the battlefield)

8.  Discuss "Leaf by Niggle" as an allegory.

9.  Show how Tolkien's purposes for fairy stories are exhibited in one of his own stories.

10.  Any other topic of your own choice


Possible topics for Paper #2 Tolkien--Silmarillion

1. Trace the creation story in Ainulindale. Evaluate what the important steps to creation are and how they are accomplished (individual or joint effort, role Eru plays, etc.)

2. Light is important literally and symbolically in Silmarillion. Trace Tolkien's use of light through at least 3 separate stories.

3. How is power presented? What are good uses of power? evil uses? How do the Powers fight each other?

4. How are elves presented in Silmarillion? What are the difference between the races, the families, and how does this affect the history of the 2nd Age?

5. How do Beren and Luthien work together on the quest for the Silmaril?

6. What elements does "Farmer Giles of Ham" have in common with LOTR or The Hobbit?

7. Analyze any character from Silmarillion or "Farmer Giles."

8. How are women presented in Silmarillion? Perhaps compare the women (or 2 or 3 women) from Silmarillion to LOTR?














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