History 108

Instructor: Chris Johnson

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To familiarize the student with critical developments in World history since 1650. History 108 proposes to examine in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Europe

as these regions and their peoples developed and interacted in the emerging modern world. Coverage of the history of the world during this era is necessarily superficial, but major thematic developments will be presented. During the modern era, Europe rose to establish hegemony over the world in many ways. We examine the roots of this domination, its spread to and impact on the non-European peoples, and the breakdown of European hegemony in the 20th century.

STUDENTS OBJECTIVE: To value learning, critical thinking, and the acquisition of a historical perspective over the quest for a grade. To participate in class discussions, critique lectures and ask questions, improve note taking, test taking, and writing techniques.

REQUIRED READINGS: Text: A History of World Societies

Supplemental: Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Hersey, Hiroshima

Remarque, All Quiet on Western


1. Attendance at all class sessions.

2. Read the three novels and write a one page summary assessment for each.

3. Completion of three examinations: two midterms and a final.

4. Completion of a history project. This can be a review essay, a research paper, or oral, visual, or musical presentations. See handout.

COURSE GRADING: The tests will include and essay and a number of short answer identifications of people, places, things or events. The essay will come from a series of study questions given out one week prior to the examinations. The tests are graded using an 100 points system resulting in a letter grade. No curve is employed. Each midterm is valued at 20 percent of the course grade and the final exam is graded at 50 percent of the course grade. The final 10 percent of the course grade is made up of class participation and the history project. [NOTE: Make-up exams will be allowed only for those students contacting me prior to test. The day of the final exam is the last day that any make-up material will be accepted.]


Introduction, The World in 1650 Bulliet, chapt. 17

Development of European Hegemony:

Social: Rise of Bourgeoisie

Economic: Capitalism

Political: The Nation-State Bulliet, chapt. 18


Scientific Revolution: Bulliet, chapt. 18

The Enlightenment

The Revolution Concept: Bulliet, chapt. 24

The Industrial Revolution: Bulliet, chapt. 23

The Ideologies:

Socialism-Marxism Bulliet, chapt. 23

Nationalism Bulliet, chapt. 28

Imperialism: Bulliet, chapt. 29

The "Non-West" and European Impact:

Africa: Bulliet, chapts. 17,20,26,29 Achebe

The Middle East and India: Bulliet, chapts. 21,26,27

China and Japan: Bulliet, chapts. 22,27,32

South America: Bulliet, chapts. 22,27

The 20th Century:

World War I: Bulliet, chapt. 30, Remarque

Russian Revolution: Bulliet, chapt. 30

Stalin and Hitler State Bulliet, chapt. 31

World War II: Bulliet, chapt. 31, Hersey

Cold War: Bulliet, chapt. 33

Breakdown of Western Hegemony:

Bulliet, chapt. 32

Chinese Revolution: Bulliet, chapt. 32

Global Society: Bulliet, chapts. 33-35

EXAM SCHEDULE: First Midterm: 6th week.

Second Midterm: 12th week.

PROJECT DUE: 15th week


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