Practice Quiz for Subclass to Infraclass

No. of Questions= 9
INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 The class Mammalia is divided into subclasses and infraclasses based on:
a)  reproductive systems
b)  the presence or absence of mammary glands
c)  the number of appendages
d)  none of the above
2 Which of the following types of mammals lay eggs like reptiles or birds?
a) Prototheria
b) Metatheria
c) Eutheria
d) none of the above
3 Marsupials are:
a) Prototheria
b) Metatheria
c) Eutheria
4 Monotremes are:
a) Prototheria
b) Metatheria
c) Eutheria
5 Placental mammals are:
a) Prototheria
b) Metatheria
c) Eutheria
6 The functions of the placenta include:
a) transporting nutrients to the fetus
b) feeding newborn infants
c) producing milk
d) all of the above
7 The abdominal pouch of marsupials is used mainly to:
a) carry infants
b) store food
c) provide added heat insulation for females
d) none of the above
8 Most marsupial and all monotreme species today are found in:
a) Central and South America
b) Europe
c) Australia
9 Dolphins and bats are:
a) monotremes
b) marsupials
c) placental mammals



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