Practice Quiz for Social Structure

No. of Questions= 14

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Among primates, which of the following are most likely to form large communities?
a)  nocturnal species
b)  semi-terrestrial species
c)  arboreal species that predominantly eat tree leaves
2 Which of the following statements is true of non-human primate communities?
a) They are more or less closed to contact with members of other communities.
b) They usually are tied to a particular locale and rarely migrate outside of their home range.
c) They usually avoid or are aggressive towards members of other communities.
d) all of the above
3 The most common type of subgroup in a non-human primate community consists of:
a) a mother and her young children
b) a father and his young children
c) adult male friends
4 Howler monkeys, indris, siamangs, and gibbons do the same unusual thing in order to mark or defend their territories. What is it that they do?
a) expose their genitals
b) produce loud vocal sounds
c) destroy the trees at the edge of their territories
5 Which of the following statements is true of primate social group composition?
a) All primate species are limited to only one of six basic patterns described in the tutorial.
b) The single female and her offspring group pattern is common for primates.
c) Monogamous family groups are the most common ones for humans but are rare for other primate species.
d) none of the above
6 ______________ is the mating pattern in which one male mates with a group of females that form a single family.
a) monogamy
b) polygyny
c) polyandry
7 Which of the following statements is true of one-male-several-female social groups among non-human primates?
a) Like human harems in Moslem societies, they are always dominated by males.
b) Gorilla communities consist of a number of large adult males and their harems.
c) In open grassland environments, one-male-several-female based communities are usually very large, often consisting of a number of polygynous families.
8 The most common social group pattern among semi-terrestrial non-human primates is the __________________ group.
a) monogamous
b) fission-fusion
c) multimale-multifemale
9 In which of the following primate social group patterns is the nuclear family the basic social unit?
a) monogamous
b) single female and her offspring
c) fission-fusion
10 In which of the following social group types are adult females most likely to periodically leave their community and join a new one?
a) monogamous
b) one-male-several-female
c) fission-fusion
11 An alpha male is:
a) a male who is at the top of the dominance hierarchy
b) a healthy adult male
c) a male who is not yet old enough to mate
12 Which of the following statements is true of chimpanzee dominance hierarchies?
a) The largest and strongest male is at the top of the dominance hierarchy.
b) They are mostly formed by the females. The males are not particularly interested in their relative power positions within the community.
c) We now know that they do not exist.
d) none of the above
13 If a kinship relationship is recognized between parents and children among non-human primates, it is most likely the tie between:
a) a father and his children
b) a mother and her children
c) both parents and their children
14 A sexually dimorphic species is one in which:
a) adult males are sexually promiscuous
b) both adult males and females are sexually promiscuous
c) male and female bodies are noticeably different from each other


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