Practice Quiz for
Methods for Learning About Culture

No. of Questions= 12

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 ________________ is research in which one learns about the culture of another society through fieldwork and firsthand observation in that society.
a) ethnology
b) ethnography
c) anthropology
2 When cultural anthropologists actively participate in the social interaction of the society they are studying, it is referred to as ____________________ .
a) probability sampling
b) ethnographic-observation
c) participant-observation
3 How long should an ethnographer live within the society he or she is studying?
a) It should be only a few weeks or months so as to not be distracted by friendships that develop there.
b) It will require a lifetime.
c) There is no simple answer. It may require a few months to a number of years, depending on the nature of the research questions.
4 Where do the Yanomamö live?
a) South America
b) Central America
c) Southeast Asia
5 If an anthropologist were to study a small traditional Moslem community in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, which of the following approaches would be most advisable on the first visit.
a) appear abruptly in the village as a lone stranger
b) arrive with a family-like group of people including children
c) arrive with a well armed body guard in order to establish respect
6 Most anthropologists doing ethnographic research in another society would be interested in learning about the _________________ behavior patterns of the members of that society.
a) actual
b) believed
c) ideal
d) all of the above
7 In the traditional Latin America culture, the ideal behavior of men and women is usually _____________________ .
a) the same--there is no difference between the ideals of masculinity and femininity in Latin America
b) about the same as it is in the English language dominated areas of North America
c) more dissimilar than it is in the English language dominated areas of North America
8 An ethnographer trying to learn about another society's culture would most likely ______________ .
a) select only a portion of the host society to study intensively
b) extensively question everyone in the host society
c) select a single knowledgeable person to provide a detailed description of the host society's culture
9 What would a sample be called if the people in it were selected by an ethnographer because they are presumably representative of distinct sub-groups within the society being studied?
a) random sample
b) stratified sample
c) judgment sample
10 Ethnographers mostly use _______________ sampling to learn about the culture of a small society.
a) random
b) stratified
c) judgment
11 Culture shock is _____________________ .
a) a feeling of confusion, alienation, and depression that can result from the psychological stress that commonly occurs during the first weeks or months of a total cultural immersion in an alien society
b) limited to anthropologists
c) both of the above
12 The Maya live in ________________ .
a) Central America
b) South America
c) Southeast Asia



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