Practice Quiz for Nature of Ethnicity

No. of Questions= 15

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the hints and feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following may be used as "ethnic symbols" in North America today?
a) language or dialect
b) religion
c) skin color
d) all of the above
2 The term ethnic "boundary maintenance" refer to:
a) judging people before the facts are known (e.g., assuming that someone of a specific ethnic group or "race" will act in a particular way)
b) the absorption of an individual or minority group of people into another society or group
c) a constant emphasis on traits that set the members of an ethnic group apart from other groups, rather than what they share in common with them.
3 Which of the following is true of ethnic "boundary maintenance"?
a) It is a rare form of defense between ethnic groups.
b) It usually masks in-group differences.
c) Ethnic symbols are convenient devices for eliminating "we-they" distinctions between ethnic groups.
4 Whether or not individuals in minority groups prominently emphasize their ethnic symbols may vary with the situation. They may not emphasize them if they are:
a) resisting assimilation by the dominant group within their society
b) trying to identify with or join the dominant culture in their society
c) neither of the above
5 Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of marriages across ethnic or "racial" boundaries becoming common?
a) Ethnic/racial differences will be progressively blurred.
b) Assimilation of one of the ethnic groups by the other likely will be slowed down.
c) Traditional ethnic group identity likely will become more important.
6 The intermarriage rate between African Americans and other Americans:
a) is now about as high as the rate for Jewish Americans
b) is higher for African American men than women
c) is lower now than it was in 1970
7 The intermarriage rate for African Americans has been lower than for Asian and Latin Americans. A likely explanation of this is that:
a) there is a lower resistance to assimilation in Asian and Latin American communities
b) there are far fewer Asian and Latin Americans
c) both of the above
8 When ethnic differences are strongly emphasized, as in the case of "black" and "white" Americans today, it inevitably leads to:
a) decreased social polarization
b) increased clarity in looking at history
c) false notions of biological and cultural homogeneity within these groups
9 Which of the following have been a consequence of the American mass media and government preoccupation with black/white relations?
a) Other minority ethnic groups have remained relatively invisible.
b) There has been a decrease in prejudice and discrimination against other minorities.
c) neither of the above
10 Kwame Appia has made a useful distinction between kinds of prejudicial behavior. He uses the term racialism to mean:
a) harmful discrimination such as not hiring people or not allowing them to vote because of their "race"
b) categorizing people on the basis of age, gender, and ethnicity/race for reference purposes (e.g., telling someone that the person who you are trying to find is an elderly Japanese woman)
c) both of the above
11 Which of the following statements is true regarding patterns of racism?
a) The most widespread, severe racism is found in the U.S.
b) Racism is found all over the world.
c) Racism is usually reduced by the rise of tribalism.
12 In small-scale societies, the targets of racism are mostly:
a) other ethnic groups within the same society
b) other societies
c) nobody since racism does not exist in such societies
13 In large-scale societies, the targets of racism are mostly:
a) other ethnic groups within the same society
b) other societies
c) nobody since racism does not exist in such societies
14 Which of the following statements is true regarding prejudice and discrimination?
a) Prejudice against others is a universal human phenomenon.
b) Frank communication and intermarriage between groups generally has the perverse effect of increasing racism.
c) By de-emphasizing ethnic symbols, ethnic groups foster racism.
15 African American ethnic identity is now defined:
a) solely on the basis of skin color
b) on the basis of skin color and cultural factors
c) solely on the basis of cultural factors



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