Practice Quiz for Descent Groups

No. of Questions= 9

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the hints and feedback for incorrect answers.

1.  The nuclear family in which you are a parent is referred to as the:
a) nuclear family of orientation
b) nuclear family of procreation
c) kindred
2.  Unilineages would be expected in societies that follow the _______________ descent principle.
a) matrilineal
b) patrilineal
c) bilateral
d) A and B
3.  Clans are sometimes combined into larger unilineal kin groups called:
a) phratries
b) patrilineages or matrilineages
c) non-nuclear kindreds
4.  A clan's founder is often thought of by its members as being a plant, animal, or mythical being (such as the Indian one from the Northwest Coast of North America shown in the picture below). Anthropologists refer to these beings as:
Photo of a carved and painted pole created by North West Coast Indians
a) moieties
b) kindreds
c) totems
5.  A family that is referred to as being matricentric (or matrifocused) is one in which:
a) there are no males
b) there is no adult male regularly in the father role
c) there is an adult male, female, and their children
6.  When an entire society is divided into two large unilineal descent groups for reciprocal exchanges, anthropologists call them:
a) clans
b) phratries
c) moieties
7.  The red people in the diagram below are members of a bilateral family group larger than a nuclear family that anthropologists call a:
A Kinship diagram
a) kindred
b) unilineage
c) cognatolineage
8.  Which of the following kinds of family groups is least likely to continue existing for more than one generation?
a) clan
b) kindred
c) moiety
9.  In the Australian 4-class system (illustrated in the diagram below) marriage partner selection is restricted by an individual's:
Kinship diagram illustrating the Australian 4-class system
a) generation
b) moiety
c) both of the above
d) none of the above


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