Practice Quiz for Homosexuality

No. of Questions= 8

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following statements is true of homosexuality?
a) It is found only in North America and Europe.
b) U.S. state laws are all essentially the same in regards to restricting homosexual acts.
c) It is the sexual and/or emotional desire for others of the same gender as oneself.
d) all of the above
2 Laws restricting sexuality in California:
a) are essentially the same for homosexual and heterosexual acts.
b) are more permissive for heterosexual acts than homosexual ones
c) are more permissive for homosexual acts than heterosexual ones
3 Which of the following statements is true concerning sex laws?
a) In some Islamic nations, the sentence for homosexual acts can be death.
b) Throughout the United States, anti-sodomy laws only target homosexuals.
c) The minimum legal age for consent for sexual acts in California is the lowest in the nation.
d) none of the above are true
4 Which of the following statements is true concerning transvestitism?
a) It always is associated with homosexuality.
b) It is the wearing of clothes and bodily adornment normally associated with the other gender.
c) There is no longer a double standard for men and women in regards to transvestitism, or cross dressing, in late 20th century North America.
d) All of the above
5 The berdache, or two-spirited men, of the North American Great Plains Indian tribes:
a) were transvestites but not homosexuals
b) were thought to not be safe for heterosexual men to have sex with because of the danger of pollution.
c) led the lives of women and had socially accepted statuses
d) none of the above
6 The Hijras of India:
a) are socially accepted male transvestite homosexuals who dress and live as women
b) usually have their genital organs surgically removed to symbolize their transition to womanhood
c) no longer exist--this tradition of transvestitism ended with the decline of the Muslim rulers of India shortly after World War II
d) A and B
7 Among the Etoro people of New Guinea:
a) all males engage in homosexual acts
b) homosexual acts are much more socially restricted for men than are heterosexual ones
c) it is believed that frequent heterosexual intercourse is needed to make crops flourish and boys strong
8 Societies that are tolerant of homosexuality also are likely to:
a) forbid abortion
b) have severe food shortages and other population pressures
c) both of the above
d) none of the above



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