Practice Quiz for Epidemiology

No. of Questions= 11

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the hints and feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Epidemiologists are interested in learning about ____________________ .
a) the causes of diseases and how to cure or control them
b) the frequency and geographic distribution of diseases
c) the causal relationships between diseases
d) all of the above
2 Diseases that are always present in a community, usually at a low, more or less constant, frequency are classified as having an ____________ pattern.
a) epidemic
b) endemic
c) pandemic
3 Which of the following statements is true concerning epidemic diseases?
a) They are usually not very contagious.
b) At the end of an epidemic, a disease spreads at an increasing rate and then abruptly disappears.
c) They usually appear and disappear seasonally.
4 An epidemic that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is referred to as a _________________ .
a) pandemic
b) hyperendemic
c) Spanish flu
5 A disease vector is a(n) ____________________ .
a) organism that transmits a disease
b) symptom of a disease
c) environmental condition associated with a disease
6 Which of the following things cause malaria?
a) mosquitoes
b) plasmodia (singular plasmodium)
c) red blood cells
7 About what fraction of the people in the world have chronic diseases that are vector-borne?
a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) 3/4
8 Most of the major health problems in the poorer nations are due to ____________________ .
a) parasitic worms and microorganisms
b) psychological tension resulting from work
c) air pollution
9 The prime cause of illness resulting in death in the poor countries of the tropical and subtropical regions today is __________________ .
a) lyme disease
b) plague
c) malaria
10 Diseases that are due mostly to environmental changes, increased population densities, and pollution that result from modernization in third world nations are referred to as:
a) diseases of poverty
b) diseases of development
c) schistosomiasis
11 Which of the following statements is true?
a) Modern medicine has at times been responsible for causing health problems.
b) Malnutrition has been essentially eliminated in the United States.
c) Persistent undernourishment among children rarely results in serious health problems.


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