Practice Quiz for the Introduction
to Political Organization

No. of Questions= 10

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1.  "Competition for power over people and things" is a definition of:
a) pedestrian foraging
b) levels of political integration for societies
c) politics
d) bureaucracies
2.  What kinds of societies have politics?
a) small-scale societies
b) large-scale societies
c) Western societies such as those of North America and Europe
d) all of the above
3.  A political leadership role is one in which individuals:
a) usually have authority related to broad areas of concern for the society
b) usually are allowed to make decisions concerning the group as a whole
c) are often expected to lead community discussions and act as spokesmen in dealing with outsiders
d) all of the above
4.  Political leaders often are allowed access to and control over society's important resources. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are richer than others. In what part of the world were traditional political leaders in the past expected to bankrupt themselves by giving away their wealth to others?
a) New Guinea
b) Western Europe
c) Vancouver Island, Canada
d) a and c
e) none of the above
5.  When a political system has a number of positions with different levels of responsibility, power, and authority it is referred to as a:
a) bureaucracy
b) monarchy
c) democracy
d) all of the above
6.  Which of the following kinds of societies are likely to have bureaucracies of political officials?
a) small-scale societies
b) large-scale societies
c) both are equally likely to have them
7.  Bureaucracies with the clearest chains of command are most often:
a) large national governments such as that of the U.S.
b) armies and other military organizations
c) no bureaucracies have clear chains of command
d) all bureaucracies have clear chains of command
8.  In small-scale pedestrian foraging societies, succession to political offices usually occurs through:
a) formal election
b) inheritance
c) general recognition of personal achievement
d) promotion by a superior
9.  A political symbol is:
a) a tool used by politicians
b) a kind of musical instrument used by politicians in some small-scale societies
c) an idea or physical thing that is used as a tool for focusing the attention and emotions of people
d) a and c
10.  A term referring to different general types of political systems used to organize and manage societies.
a) levels of political integration
b) subsistence patterns
c) foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, and intensive agriculture

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