Practice Quiz for Early Human Culture

No. of Questions= 10

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following statements is true concerning tool making?
a) Humans are the only tool making and using animals.
b) The first stone tool manufacturing and use was probably done by early transitional humans in East Africa 4.5 million years ago.
c) The first stone tools were made by Homo erectus.
d) none of the above
2 Which of the following tool traditions came first?
a) Acheulean
b) Oldowan
c) Habilian
3 Oldowan Tradition flake tools were probably used mostly for:
a) hammering other rocks to make core tools
b) butchering animals
c) making necklaces
4 Which of the following statements is true of the first convincing evidence of fire use by humans?
a) It was associated with Homo erectus.
b) It was associated with Homo habilis.
c) It was about 1.5 million years ago.
d) It was about 100,000 years ago.
5 The most well known Acheulean Tradition stone tool was a:
a) hand ax
b) spear
c) meat cleaver
6 Which of the following statements is true of the Acheulean Tool Tradition?
a) Hand axes made up only a small proportion of the tools.
b) This tool making tradition was limited to Europe.
c) It was not used by Homo erectus in China.
7 Which of the following statements is true of major Homo erectus fossil sites by 400,000 years ago?
a) They usually have only a few stone tools.
b) They usually have very little evidence of meat eating.
c) They have been found only in tropical regions of the world.
d) none of the above
8 ______________________ refers to sources of food and the way it is obtained.
a) subsistence pattern
b) soft hammer technique
c) biocultural evolution
9 Which of the following statements is true of Homo erectus?
a) They were efficient, specialized big game hunters.
b) There were about 6 billion of them in the world.
c) They were the first species in our line of evolution to expand their range into temperate climatic zones.
d) none of the above
10 Which of the following statements is true concerning culture?
a) It can affect the direction of human biological evolution.
b) It has no effect on human biological evolution.
c) Since culture is in our minds, it leaves no evidence for paleoanthropologists to dig up.


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