Practice Quiz for Apes

No. of Questions= 16
INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following members of the infraorder Simiformes (the anthropoids) have external tails?
a) monkeys
b) African apes
c) monkeys and Asian apes
d) all species of the infraorder Simiformes except humans
2 The natural habitat of apes today includes tropical regions of:
a) Central and South America
b) Southeast Asia and Africa
c) Europe, Southeast Asia, and Africa
d) both the Old and the New World
3 The siamangs are species of:
a) orangutans
b) chimpanzees
c) gorillas
d) gibbons
4 Brachiation is a means of locomotion in which an animal:
a) swings under branches using its hands
b) walks or runs on top of branches
c) leaps from branch to branch much like a frog
5 The smallest and most arboreal apes are the ______________. They are also the best brachiators.
a) langurs
b) gibbons
c) chimpanzees
d) marmosets
6 Which of the following is true about orangutans?
a) They are the largest and rarest of the Asian apes.
b) They spend most of their time in large social groups.
c) About 10% of their diet is meat.
d) all of the above are true
7 Orangutans have marked sexual dimorphism. This means that they:
a) mate frequently throughout the year
b) form long lasting social units consisting of a male, a female, and their children
c) have significantly different body sizes based on their sex
8 The largest apes are:
a) from Southeast Asia
b) gorillas
c) orangutans
d) a and c
9 Which of the following is true of gorillas?
a) They are knuckle walkers.
b) Their arms are shorter than their legs.
c) They walk bipedally most of the time.
d) all of the above are true
10 Which of the following is true of the common chimpanzees?
a) They normally form groups of several hundred individuals.
b) They are 100% vegetarian in the wild.
c) Their natural habitats include both forests and bordering grasslands.
11 Bonobos are most closely related to:
a) chimpanzees
b) orangutans
c) gibbons
12 Which of the following primate species are monogamous in mating and regularly live in nuclear family groups?
a) gibbons
b) chimpanzees
c) gorillas
d) all of the above
13 Which of the following apes mark and defend the limits of their territories with loud vocalizations?
a) gibbons
b) bonobos
c) gorillas
d) orangutans
14 Compared to the common chimpanzees, bonobos:
a) are more aggressive
b) copulate frequently and use sexual intercourse as recreation
c) live in both forests and grasslands
15 Which of the following apes are members of the family Hominidae?
a) gibbons
b) siamangs
c) orangutans
d) none of the above
16 Which of the following statements is true concerning apes?
a) All apes lack external tails except for the small ape species of Southeast Asia.
b) There are three varieties of gorillas.
c) Females are generally more aggressive than males despite the fact that the males are larger.



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