Practice Quiz for Overview of the
Modern Theories of Evolution and
the Hardy-Weinberg Model

No. of Questions= 10
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1 The synthetic theory of evolution is based at least in part on:
a)  a rejection of mutation as a source of evolution
b)  an acceptance of natural selection as a cause of evolution
c)  a rejection of population genetics
d)  B and C
2 "The sum total of the genetically inherited changes in the individuals who are members of a population" is a description of:
a) genetic drift
b) non-random mating
c) evolution
3 Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg concluded that gene pool frequencies are:
a) inherently stable
b) inherently unstable
c) impossible to determine since we can only observe phenotypes and not genotypes
4 Which of the following statements is true of the Hardy-Weinberg equation (p² + 2pq + q² = 1)?
a) The "p" represents the frequency of the recessive allele for a specific trait in a population.
b) In order to use the equation, you have to know all of the genotype frequencies first.
c) The equation allows you to discover the genotype frequencies if you know the phenotype frequencies.
5 Population geneticists now usually think of evolution as being genetic changes in:
a) individuals
b) populations
c) A and B
d) none of the above
6 The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation (p² + 2pq + q² = 1) allows geneticists to:
a) keep track of changes in phenotype frequencies from generation to generation in small families
b) keep track of changes in genotype frequencies from generation to generation in a population
c) determine what evolutionary mechanisms are causing changes in a population's gene pool frequencies
7 Population genetics and the synthetic theory of evolution were developed mostly in the _____ century.
a) 18th
b) 19th
c) 20th
8 "Synthetic theory of evolution" refers to:
a) a combination of Charles Darwin's concept of natural selection along with evolutionary theories developed in the 20th century by population geneticists and molecular biologists
b) Charles Darwin's idea of evolution resulting from natural selection
c) the rigorous application of the scientific method to breeding experiments
9 Which of the following conditions can result in evolution in a population?
a) all mating is totally random
b) mutation is not occurring
c) natural selection is not occurring
d) none of the above
10 Which of the following statements is true?
a) In the real world, gene pool frequencies are inherently unstable. That is to say, they change by themselves without any evolutionary mechanism operating.
b) Evolution is a common occurrence in natural populations
c) A gene pool is a more or less distinct group of individuals within a species who tend to restrict their mate selection to members of their group.



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