Practice Quiz for Intensive Agriculture

No. of Questions= 10

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1.  Large-scale societies with cities obtain most of their food with which of the following subsistence patterns?
a) horticulture
b) pastoralism
c) intensive agriculture
d) none of the above
2.  Intensive agricultural first began about ___________ years ago.
a) 20,000
b) 15,000
c) 10,000
d) 5,000
e) 1,000
3.  The transition to intensive agriculture was originally made possible by:
a) water management systems and the domestication of large animals for pulling plows
b) the discovery of new species of plants that were suitable for domestication
c) the creation of cities and an urban way of life
4.  The transition to intensive agriculture leading to the development of the ancient civilizations ultimately resulted in a number of inevitable major social changes including:
a) permanent year round settlements
b) a much more complex division of labor
c) surplus crops
d) all of the above
5.  What happened to the political and economic power of most farmers in the ancient civilizations?
a) it increased
b) it decreased
c) it remained the same
6.  Which of the following statements is true regarding the ancient civilizations?
a) They were organized in an egalitarian way.
b) The status and power of women increased.
c) Ownership of property shifted from the community to individuals.
7.  Which of the following kinds of agriculture is most likely to be found in the poor developing nations in tropical regions of the world?
a) plantation agriculture
b) mechanized grain farming
c) intensive farming in greenhouses
8.  In North America and other large-scale industrial nations, there have been major changes in the typical family during the last century. These changes include:
a) Extended family households have become more common.
b) Nuclear family households have become more common.
c) neither of the above
9.  In the U.S. and other economically powerful nations, we are now moving into a post-industrial information-based economy. Which of the following has been a result of this economic change?
a) The economic and political power of women has risen.
b) There has been an increasing emphasis on mental rather than hard physical labor.
c) We no longer have a need for agriculture
d) a and b
10.  Ancient civilizations based on intensive agriculture developed in all of the following regions except:
a) North China
b) Australia
c) Western South America
d) Mesoamerica (Central Mexico to Honduras)


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