Practice Quiz for Overview of Dating

No. of Questions= 7
INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following is not a chronometric date?
a)  October 23, 1999 A.D.
b)  5730 ± 40 B.P.
c)  John is 4 years younger than Maria
d)  all of the above are chronometric dates
2 Which of the following dates is the earliest?
a) 1233 B.C.
b) 1934 B.P.
c) 223 A.D.
d) 545 years ago
3 Which of the following statements is true about most chronometric dates used by paleoanthropologists?
a) They should be considered to be accurate to at least a single year.
b) They should be considered to be only close approximations.
c) They are given with a plus or minus factor which is an indication of their probable accuracy.
d) b and c
4 Which of the following would a paleoanthropologist most likely do in order to be more certain about the dating of an ancient artifact?
a) use a number of different dating methods
b) date the artifact with the same dating method a number of times and then take the average date
c) only date the geological strata in which the artifact was found, rather than the artifact itself
5 The date 23000 ± 2000 B.P. means that there is a high probability that the true date is:
a) within the range 23000-25000 years ago
b) within the range 21000-25000 years ago
c) 23000 years ago
d) 24950 years ago (23000 plus 1950 to correct for B.C. dates)
6 Relative dates can tell us:
a) that some event is older or younger than another
b) how many years ago something happened
c) a and b
d) none of the above
7 In Israel, museums often use B.C.E. and A.C.E. dates. A.C.E. is the same as:
a) A.D.
b) B.C.
c) B.P.



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