Practice Quiz for Relative Techniques

No. of Questions= 9
INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 When the bones of early humans are found in the same geological deposit as those of other animal species that are known to have lived at a specific time in the past, it is assumed that these people lived then as well. This is an application of dating with:
a)  stratigraphy
b)  biostratigraphy
c)  fluorine analysis
2 Fluorine analysis of two bones from the same site can tell us that they probably:
a) came from the same or different time periods
b) are from the same or different species of animals
c) did or did not die of the same cause
d) none of the above
3 Relative dating with stratigraphy is based on the principle of:
a) unconformities
b) superposition
c) association
4 Which of the following statements is true of dating by stratigraphy?
a) Soil strata are always found in the order that they were laid down.
b) In most cases, the stratigraphic record for a site can be sorted out.
c) People and other animals often alter the original stratigraphic record.
d) b and c
5 When two fossils are found next to each other in the same geological stratum, it is usually assumed that they date from the same time period. This is done on the basis of the principle of:
a) association
b) paleoanthropology
c) geochronology
6 Which of the following dating methods could be used most effectively in proving that a human bone and a mammoth tusk found in the same stratum of a site were from animals that did not live at the same time?
a) fluorine analysis
b) biostratigraphy
c) stratigraphy
7 Which of the following statements is true of dating by using stratigraphy, index fossils, and fluorine analysis?
a) They are the only relative dating methods in use today.
b) They can yield both relative and chronometric dates.
c) They can only date artifacts.
d) none of the above
8 An unconformity is:
a) another word for primary context
b) another word for contemporaneity
c) a break or change in the original stratigraphic sequence
9 In the early 1950's, Piltdown Man was discovered to be a hoax as a result of using which of the following dating techniques:
a) fluorine analysis
b) stratigraphy
c) biostratigraphy



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