Finance Committee

ASG Finance 

1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 10:00 a.m. in SU-204

Contact Information:

Chair: Isaac Marchesino

Committee Rules 

I. The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the ASG Vice President of Finance. 

II.The duties of the Committee shall be as follows

A. Provide general supervision of all ASG fiscal matters in cooperation with the advisor and/or Office of Student Affairs

B. Provide liaison between the OSA and the ASG regarding fiscal matters, and sign all “requisition for funds” from pertaining to Associated Students Trust Fund (71), and Student Representation Fee Fund  (72), and Student Center Fee Fund (73) of the Palomar Community College District Budge

C. Draft for adoption by the ASG Board a yearly budget for Fund 71, Fund 72, and Fund 73

D. Keep track of all monetary requests that go through the ASG as it pertains to the availability of money from the respective funds

E. Review club budgets for suggested changes, and suggest possible revenue sources

2022-2023 Agendas and Minutes
