Anatomy of a Tear

by Patti Whitman


Those better not be tears

I see.

Nobody likes a crybaby,

so be a big girl now.

Are you crying again?

How many times do I have to tell you?

Dry those tears

and be a good girl.

Stop that crying this instant!

What's wrong with you?

If you don't stop crying,

I'll give you something to cry about.

What on earth are you crying for now?

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself

you need to put a smile on your face

and act your age.

For crying out loud!

You're upsetting everyone around you.

You need to swallow those tears

and grow up.

You would be proud of me.

Even with the organ playing

and the heavy press of flowers

l kept on smiling.

How pleased you'd be

that 1 remembered

all you taught me growing up.

Why, l didn't even need my hanky

when we buried you today.