is published annually by
Palomar Community College
1140 West Mission Road
San Marcos, CA 92069

Editorial Staff: Adrienne Colombara, Darren Cooper, Laura Menchaca, Michael Christopher Mueller, Robynne Mugar, Becky Munoa, Ethan Quillen, Crystal Sorensen, Marie Spillman-Cerda, Patti Whitman
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Carlton Smith & Dr. Rocco Versaci
Vormgever: Marie Spillman-Cerda
Technical Support: John Goldsworthy
Cover: "Footstep" by Natalie Schrik
Printed in the U.S.A. by: Continental Litho, Inc., 961 Park Center Dr., Vista, CA 92083

The Bravura staff would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Sherrill Amador, President of Palomar College, for her unflagging support-financial and otherwise-of the literary magazine and the creative community at Palomar College. The staff would also like to thank the Associated Student Government of Palomar College for its generous financial support.

Opinions expressed in Bravura are those of the writers and artists, and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or of Palomar College. Unless of course it is an opinion with which they do agree. In such cases it shall remain a secret from the reader so as not to reflect poorly upon our objectivity.

Copyright 2002 by Bravura, Department of English, Palomar Community College, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069. None of the contents of this issue may not be reproduced in any manner without prior consent from the writer or artist. All rights revert to the author or artist upon publication.

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