Karaoke King
Erika Bales

He lives in a shabby upstairs apartment
He's so musically talented
When he forgets to take his medication

There's this keyboard he keeps next to the window
It's hooked up to an amplifier
And when the mood strikes him
He strikes random keys and sings tunelessly
Almost like Native American chanting gone completely wrong and deranged
But worse

Other days, he plays from various selections
Such as:
The Music of the Seventies (the songs that were better left forgotten)
Gregorian Chant (set to a techno beat)
Alternative Christmas Carols (the ones that Satan wrote)
And he moonwalks on the patio

It wouldn't be so bad
Except this occurs at three in the morning

The other day
He left the door to his apartment open
As he performed a striptease in front of his mirror
Lipsynching to YMCA