The Endless Tango
Anthony Chavarria

How often have we done this dance?
To meet? To laugh? To love perchance?
There are times when I move forward
But my expectations are not assured
You make equal and rhythmic steps in reverse
This tango we choose we could never rehearse
One step forward, two steps back
Spin… Dip… Our heels on the floor tap
Our bodies are so close, your breath I feel
Hot, arid almost surreal…
But suddenly something happens, I back away
My attempts perhaps have led you astray
But yet here you follow in perfect beat
Matching every step with your graceful feet
We carry on this way for a measure
This dance truly is something to treasure
Suddenly I stop!!!! And so do you
Maybe something here is true
I slide my hand around the curvature of your face
I spin you around, never leaving my place
I attempt to touch you again
An effort made totally in vain
For once again we start the dance of matin
Is there anything that can top the tango of dating?