It's Been a While
by Kara Astrouski



Lonely Painting
by Monica Barrameda


Natalie Parker

The Price You Pay
by Clayton Beach

The Tale of the Queen of Endor
by Clayton Beach

I'm keeping you alive.
Maybe I'll never really know you like I want to, maybe that's what it is.
But today and tomorrow and all those many ahead,
I'm going to look you in the eye when you come near.
Too many of us forget you, there are days we swear off your stain,
Nights when whatever light you gave
Seems more like the screen behind our own inevitable X-ray.
Give us time then, give us light then,
Though guarded with all kinds of mismatched armor, we are yours completely.
We are waiting without realizing we are waiting.
We leave y your invitation in its envelope, like it’s a red letter.
Like it’s a letter that we can predict just from appearance.
In reality, you are stealthy. You are smoother than a grinning George Clooney,
On his best hair day, the way you sneak in.
You could be a rattling freight train in the dead of night and still surprise us.
It is because we only see an empty train, we never see the cargo coming.
Heaven forbid we do, then we immediately derail it with only the best of intentions,
And leave one another long messages on the answering machine.
You are more than a fire, because you not only transform things, you unearth them.
Constantly we reach for the flame,
Because we know you could melt each mask, one by one,
But our hands are thwarted by our pride, and we struggle to know what the true rebellion In our heart is.
Someday I'll really warm my hands by you,
I will be held responsible in the dark, and my hands won’t betray,
They will be ready with kindling.
Someday I'll know what it means to lie down beneath a stone studded garden with tear Stained petals for you like you did for me.
My initials are already carved in that wood.
Waist deep in our dust, we only worry for time because it makes your absence greater Than sky without the moon; pale against the window sill, there is nothing sharing us from room to room.
The stars turn like frozen lighthouse beams in the dark for you.
Fireworks blossom like long legged golden spiders for you.
Man and Nature, both try their best to shine beneath you, to reflect some of the light.
All the wise ones keep you closer in grasp than a four leaf clover.
Some of us, we garner makeshift idealizations of you, prop you up in the cornfield and let The protection come from the source alone.
We think you don't need us to exist, like a gargoyle that won't fall down with the collapse Of the castle walls, stone by stone.
In all these ways we mistake you for a blind benefactor, when it is us that refuse to see.
I meant for this to be brief, I meant to stop making a fool of myself.
But I see that in your honor, that will never do.
I see that in your honor, we are forgiven our scribbled testaments,
If it is an attempt at keeping you alive.

by Clayton Beach
Mad Dogs Bite
by Janet Berend

Desert Firefly
by Taen Bounthapanya
Third Place Winner, Poetry
Virtual Reality
by Taen Bounthapanya

Early morning staring at an ugly fountain by Breelyn Burns
Ten Year Old Militia
by Breelyn Burns
Editor's Choice Award, Poetry
Arrogance Unplugged
by Rachel Busnardo

Goodbye My Best Friend
by Rachel Busnardo

At a Small-Town Club
by Jessica Conaway

Red Stiletto Heels
by Jessica Conaway

Naked and Perfect
T.C. Cook

Second Place Winner, Poetry

Too Far
by T.C. Cook

by Jermane Cooper

The Girl Who Wrote This Stands at
5’ 2” (on a Good Day)
by Shayna Coplan
Pontificating Drunks
by Dennis Dorsey
The Symptom
by Dennis Dorsey
Saturday Night Pick-Up
by Tanya Duer

Lost in a Moment
by Jamie Dykstra

Denizens of Brilliance
by Holland Elder
Between His Futon and the Bedroom Wall by Rachel Jones
Getting Lost in National City Trying to Find Acapulco
by Rachel Jones

Angelo Carli Poetry Prize
Having to Hide
by Rachel Jones

I Used To Take My Anger Out On Plants by Rachel Jones  
The Piano
by Rachel Jones
Words Like Clay
by Rachel Jones
Begetting Tragedy
by Chris Joy

My First Last
by Chris Joy
There's No Problem Officer
by Brittney Krier


No More Rainbows
by Emit Levart

Ernest Hemingway (My Cat):
A Villanelle
by Melanie Maheu
The Small Beauties of Marriage
by Melanie Maheu
Do The Punks Still Raise Their High Pumping Fists in the Air?
by Brendan Mitchell
by Natalie Parker

Three Sides of the Fence
by Natalie Parker

Watching TV While Having Sex
by Jessee Pugliese


by Ruth Rice

by Ruth Rice

six weeks
by Ruth Rice

by Rachelle Shull
by Jacob Triffo
Time Served
by Matt Tweedie
Romance to Reality
by Aga-Marie Wehrly
by Matt Whitney
Why We Write
by Karen Wooton