Academic and Ethical Codes of Conduct

ALL Peer to peer MENTORS and MENTEES will be held to the same ACADEMIC and ETHICAL code of conduct stated in Palomar College Nursing Student Handbook and the Palomar College General Student Handbook.   Violations of these codes may result in your complete dismissal from the entire Palomar College Nursing program.

By becoming a peer to peer mentor, you acknowledge that you are taking on the responsibilities as a provider of care for your mentee.  You will be held to ALL the same ETHICAL codes of conduct regarding PERSONAL BOUNDARIES and COMMITMENTS to the well being of your peers, as a nurse is to their patient.

Academic Honesty

All students are expected to avoid dishonesty in all of their behavior related to their experience in the Nursing Program. Cheating, fabrication, duplication of assignments, plagiarism, and aiding in dishonesty are examples of academic dishonesty and subject to the consequences outlined in the Palomar College Catalog. (See Student Conduct Code)

Security of Nursing Examinations and Quizzes

Because of the importance of nursing examinations, security measures will be enforced during the administration and review of examinations. In order to maintain test security students are required to:

  • Place all personal items in designated areas (e.g. books, bags, cell phones, and pagers turned off)
  • Return all scan-trons and tests to instructor
  • Review tests in class and/or during office hours
  • Refrain from discussing examination questions with peers who have not taken the examination!

If a student compromises security of a nursing examination, the student will be subject to dismissal from the program.

Professional Boundaries

Nursing students will maintain a professional relationship with patients, families, and the health care team. Boundary violations can be characterized by many examples. Some are interacting with patients outside of assigned clinical time, accepting or exchanging gifts, and inappropriate self-disclosure. Violations should be recognized and reported.

National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct

Students of nursing have a responsibility to society in learning the academic theory and clinical skills needed to provide nursing care. The clinical setting presents unique challenges and responsibilities while caring for human beings in a variety of health care environments. The Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct is based on an understanding that to practice nursing as a student is an agreement to uphold the trust with which society has placed in us. The statements of the Code provide guidance for the nursing student in the personal development of an ethical foundation and need not be limited strictly to the academic or clinical environment but can assist in the holistic development of the person. Some of the principles adopted by the NSNA and the Palomar College Nursing Faculty are outlined below.  Please review the links below as you will be held accountable for the following guidelines.

Professional Code of Conduct

Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Students of Nursing:

NSNA Social Media Recommendations:

A Code for Nursing Students

As students are involved in the clinical and academic environments we believe that ethical principles are a necessary guide to professional development. Therefore within these environments we:

  1. Advocate for the rights of all clients.
  2. Maintain client confidentiality.
  3. Take appropriate action to ensure the safety of clients, self, and others.
  4. Provide care for the client in a timely, compassionate and professional manner.
  5. Communicate client care in a truthful, timely and accurate manner.
  6. Actively promote the highest level of moral and ethical principles and accept responsibility for our actions.
  7. Promote excellence in nursing by encouraging lifelong learning and professional development.
  8. Treat others with respect and promote an environment that respects human rights, values and choice of cultural and spiritual beliefs.
  9. Collaborate in every reasonable manner with the academic faculty and clinical staff to ensure the highest quality of client care
  10. Use every opportunity to improve faculty and clinical staff understanding of the learning needs of nursing students.
  11. Encourage faculty, clinical staff, and peers to mentor nursing students.
  12. Refrain from performing any technique or procedure for which the student has not been adequately trained.
  13. Refrain from any deliberate action or omission of care in the academic or clinical setting that creates unnecessary risk of injury to the client, self, or others.
  14. Assist the staff nurse or preceptor in ensuring that there is full disclosure and that proper authorizations are obtained from clients regarding any form of treatment or research.
  15. Abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages or any substances in the academic and clinical setting that impair judgment.
  16. Strive to achieve and maintain an optimal level of personal health.
  17. Support access to treatment and rehabilitation for students who are experiencing impairments related to substance abuse and mental or physical health issues.
  18. Uphold school policies and regulations related to academic and clinical performance, reserving the right to challenge and critique rules and regulations as per school grievance policy. Adopted by the NSNA House of Delegates, Nashville, TN, on April 6, 2001.

Failure to meet this code is unethical and is considered unsatisfactory behavior. The student may be assigned a substandard grade for the course and/or prevented from re-enrollment in the program.

The entire code can be viewed at