
Who are Janine and Pierre Gilles?

Janine and Pierre Gilles grew up in Pestel, Haiti. They were ‘childhood sweethearts’ who have now been married for over 65 years. The couple immigrated to the United States from Haiti in 1959. They settled in Gary Indiana after 2 years in Chicago and Peoria Illinois. Through unstinting effort, sacrifice, patience and love they raised four children and managed to live to enjoy retirement.

Trained as a physician Pierre’s background directly relates to the focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) education in our nation and through Palomar programs. As a teacher with experience at nearly all educational levels (she taught courses at the Pre K, K-12 and undergraduate levels) Janine was her children’s first and best teacher. Through their professional work and family guidance Pierre and Janine helped their children ‘learn to learn’, equipping them to pursue careers in medicine, business, law and education.

Janine and Pierre Gilles 2014

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