Document Outcomes

Step 4: Document Outcomes

The final step in the assessment improvement model is documenting outcomes activity.  By documenting assessment activity, we can refer to and use this data to update curricula, review programs, set goals and new initiatives, seek funding, etc. Palomar College uses Nuventive Improve (formerly named TracDat) to document and store assessment activity.

  1. Summarize outcomes, assessment, and actions in Nuventive Improve (TracDat).
  2. Use findings for course/program improvement and program review.

The following information should be recorded in Nuventive Improve (TracDat) for all course and program outcomes at least once every three years:

      • Course/Program outcomes and assessment plans
      • Reflection of assessment results
      • Actions/follow-up taken in response to assessment results
      • Plans for future assessment

Nuventive Improve (TracDat) Resources

Nuventive Improve Support

Department SLO facilitators and the faculty learning outcomes coordinators are available to assist you in documenting activity in Nuventive Improve.