EXERCISE 5: Personal Appeal Fallacies

Identify the fallacy that occurs in each passage.

These will be fallacies from the Personal Appeal family, Appeal to Private Motives, Appeal to Flattery, Appeal to Guilt, Appeal to Force, Appeal to Bribery, and Appeal to Gender.


1. There must be something wrong with your sense of compassion if you can't see how important it is to prevent children from bringing guns to school.



2. I'm sure you'll agree with me. It is always nice to argue with someone who is rational and willing to keep an open mind.



3. Perhaps a visit to the principal's office will convince you that students shouldn't talk in class.



4. Affirmative action policies are a good idea, as I'm sure you will agree, since, as a member of a minority group, you might be in a position to benefit from them.



5. Teacher: Chances are that you'd get an 'A' in this class, if you would just admit that I am right.



WELCOME                     EXPLANATION OF PRINCIPLES                                     TABLE OF FALLACIES                        EXERCISES                     INDEX