pnke203head.gif (9466 bytes)

pnksidedir.gif (5738 bytes)Awareness of your own cultural, gender, racial, and generational biases

Please identify the groups to which you belong. (for example, young, Mexican male)



List some basic tenets in common with your cultural background. Do not evaluate whether these are good or bad for now. (for example, the Protestant Work Ethic, the value of education, ancestors as most important members of family, women as subservient to men)







List some assumptions which you made about men and women, their roles in the work force, in the home, toward the children, about finances, etc.






Does your family hold beliefs about various racial groups? You may or may not agree with these views but please list them.






What characteristics does your generation hold in common which may represent improvement, wisdom, advancement over your parents? Are there any beliefs which you think are less desirable than those of earlier generations?