<%@ Language=VBScript %> Shakespeare's Sonnets <% ' connect to database dim db, oConn, oRS, sqlText db = Server.MapPath("sonnets.mdb") set oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") oConn.Open ("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & db) ' get db listing of sonnets with recordings set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sqlText = "SELECT DISTINCT SNum FROM Sonnets ORDER BY SNum" oRS.Open sqlText, oConn %>

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Select by Sonnet:    
Select by Sonnet will show a list of all students who have read a particular sonnet.  Select the Sonnet you wish to hear, and click Play Sonnet.

Search by Student Name:    
Search by Student Name allows a search of all students whose sonnets have been recorded.  Just type in the student's name, and click Search.  If a search by both first and last name fails, try searching just based on first name.
See sample bibliography for Shakespeare's sonnets

<% ' clean up and close down oRS.Close set oRS = nothing oConn.Close set oConn = nothing %>