/*Put the cursor on the line of code you want to execute. Hold down the shift key and press enter to execute the code. Code ends with either ";" or "$"*/ load(draw); /*cylinder and ellipsoid plotted implicitly*/ draw3d(proportional_axes = xyz, color = "light-blue", implicit(x^2/9 + y^2/16 = 1, x,-5,5, y,-5,5, z,-3,3), color= red,line_width = 3,nticks = 40, parametric(3*cos(t),4*sin(t),t/2,t,-2*%pi,2*%pi))$ draw3d(proportional_axes = xyz, xyplane = 0, x_voxel = 20,/*makes it plot more pts. Default is 10*/ y_voxel = 20, z_voxel = 20, color = "light-blue", implicit(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1,x,-1.5,1.5,y,-1.5,1.5,z,-2.5,2.5), color= black,line_width = 3,nticks = 40, parametric(cos(t)*sin(sqrt(t)),sin(t)*sin(sqrt(t)),cos(sqrt(t)),t,0,2*%pi))$