
I. Culture located in Valley of Mexico flourished 1,200 B.C. (Formative Period).

A. Ceramic effigy figures with groove and punctate eyes (coffee bean)

Tlatilco figures These are a male and a female diety.  Pure duality.  Notice the ear spools.

                 1. Applique features, hairdo, clothing, jewelry.

                 2. Minimally painted.

                 3. Swollen hips and legs, hands de-emphasized unless

                               holding object.

                 4. Dualism first appears in Male/Female deities.

B. Pots which show influence of Olmeca.

                1. Were-jaguar influence in imagery.

        a. Hollow ware

                        b. Upward flaring upper lip.

        c. Hand-claw and wing-claw motifs.

        d. Parallel incised lines made post-firing.

               2. Stirrup spouted vessels.