Instructions for Your Group Meeting
April 15
Print out this page and bring it with you to your group meeting.

You will be meeting today in your editorial groups at a time and place of your choosing.  This is a class meeting like any other, except that only your editorial group will be present and you need not meet in our classroom.  You may meet in any reasonably quiet  place where you have enough privacy to read, review, and discuss your essays.  You should bring with you your reflections papers on two outside article, your trial thesis statement for essay 3, your draft list of works cited, a copy of the checklist for revising thesis statements, and your print handbook, K&M.  The purpose of the meeting is to read and review your thesis statements and revise them.

A.  Each of you should read your thesis statement to the others in your group slowly enough to allow them to write it down.  Everybody should have a written copy of the thesis in front of them. 

B.  After reading your thesis statement, read your summary paragraph and read your reflection papers on the outside articles.  Then informally review for the others the other evidence you have so far.  One of your goals is to help one another decide what evidence you need to find to support the thesis you are working on.

C.  Discuss the thesis statement and then apply the checklist and suggest revisions.  The writer is in charge of the thesis and can decide whether to accept or reject the advice others give.  But each of you should try to give the best and clearest advice possible.

D.  After completing your revision of the thesis statement, review the format for the works cited entries, using K&M 34a2.  Revise the list so that your works cited entries are correct.

E.  Before concluding your review of each person's thesis, everyone in the group should write a sort comment on it.  Put the writer's name at the top of the page and your name underneath it.  Indicate what the challenges will be in writing this essay: what ideas or terms need to be clarified or made more specific, what evidence seems to be lacking that the writer should look for, what arguments will be most challenging to support with this audience.  Give this page to the writer; I will collect them next week, so bring them with you to class.

F.  After your meeting, each of you, individually, will send me an e-mail.  Send this message on Wednesday.  In that e-mail, tell me the following:

    1.  Where you met.
    2.  What time  you met--starting time and ending time.
    3.  Who was present at the meeting, by name.  Indicate if anyone arrived late or left early.
    4.  What did you think went well and what did you think could stand improvement in the peer review process
    5.  Overall, what did you think about the experience?

I need to get an e-mail response from everyone in your group, individually.  Do not send e-mail responses signed by more than one person. 

Take the comment sheets you received on your thesis home with you and  bring them to class next Monday.  I will collect and read them.