This Week's Work:  Monday, January 26

This is week 2 of the spring semester.  You should submit your weekly update for week 1 by the end of the day today. 

Complete the following reading this week:

1.  Light 7, 8, 9, and Appendix. 

2.  Skim the Cognitive Distortions.  Some of this material may apply to you or people you know, some not.  You need not read it closely, but some of the other reading assignments will be easier to follow if you know what cognitive distortions are and have a general idea how they work.  Skim this before you read the following assignment.

3.  The Power of Mindful Reflection

4 DIH 1.4: The Thesis Statement.  Read this as you work on your thesis statement, before next Monday.  Read this carefully, and try to apply it to your own thesis.  This is challenging, but it is one of the most important parts of the handbook.  If you skip it or don't give it your full attention it will show in you thesis statements and your essays.  Use the checklist at the end to revise your thesis statement.  I have posted some examples of short reviews of trial thesis statements you might want to look at.  The examples are theses written in another class.  They are intended to demonstrate what kinds of things to look for.  

5.  As you look for information on the first essay please read the short introduction to Research Tools.  Make sure that you understand the difference between searching for magazine and journal articles on the on-line periodical databases and searching the Internet.  Everybody should use these databases in researching the first essay. 

6.  Find in the on-line periodical databases (EbscoHost or one of the others) and read two periodical articles that might be relevant to your essay topic.  You do not need to use these articles in your essay.  They may be just background reading.

7.  You might find it useful to look at some of the Internet sites on Learning.  These will be much more helpful if you already have some idea what sort of things you are looking for.

Complete the following writing this week:

1.  Discussion of the Light book.  I will post discussion questions in Blackboard on chapters 4 and 6 by today, and on chapters 7, 8, and 9 by Thursday.

2.  Discussion on The Power of Mindful Reflection.  The discussion question will be posted on Friday.

3.  Post a summary of each of the periodical articles you have read in your Group Discussion Board in Blackboard.  Do this by Sunday.

4.  Respond briefly to the article summaries from your group.  Evaluate the articles, ask questions about them, or make suggestions for further research or related topics.

Please make your first response within two days in each case.  Keep reading the new postings in all of the threads, and respond whenever you see something interesting.

You should have completed the following reading since last week:

Light 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

You should have completed the following writing since last week:

Discussion in the Blackboard Discussion Board of Light 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Palomar College
This page was last edited: 01/13/09