Discovering Ideas

English Composition Spring 2009 Palomar College

Instructions for Safe Assign

Here is how you submit your essay to Safe Assign: click the Assignments button in Blackboard and go to the assignment for the essay.  Click View/Complete.  You can upload your essay to Safe Assign by browsing to the file (the document saved on your computer) or you can copy and paste it if you prefer.  You will get an originality report that will indicate how much of the content of your essay is not original.  You might want to submit your essay to Safe Assign early, rather than late, even before your last proofreading, so that you can see your originality report before the deadline for uploading the essay.

To view your originality report (and give it a few minutes before trying the first time), again click the Assignments button. Under the correct assignment, click View/Complete. You will see your name, with several columns to the right.  Look under "SA Report."  If there is a check over the icon under that heading it means that your originality report is complete.  Click on that and you will go to your originality report.  Unoriginal portions of the essay will be highlighted.  Check to make sure that all of the portions of the essay that you did not write are correctly quoted, either enclosed in quotation marks or indented.  So take a look. If you see small errors that you can correct quickly, such as omitted quotation marks, go ahead and revise your essay again. You may also see that some proper names, titles, common phrases, or Internet addresses are highlighted as found in other documents. Don’t worry about that. It’s normal for a paper to have a few percent unoriginal material that need not be quoted. Look at what’s highlighted and you can see if it’s anything to be concerned about.

On-line Discovering Ideas Table of Contents
On-line Syllabus

On-Campus Discovering Ideas Table of Contents
On-Campus Syllabus

Discovering Ideas
Palomar College
This page was last edited: 01/08/09