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GCIP 168 - Digital Imaging with Drones I grading requirements:

1) Aerial Photos (100 pts. possible)
Each student will select a building or structure on campus and capture a digital photo in addition to creating a panorama from several images of a different subject.

Grading - Aerial Photos (100 pts. possible)
Storyboard and plan (screen shots from Google Earth): 20 pts.
Aerial Photo: 30 pts.
Photo matches plan for Aerial Photo: 10 pts.
Aerial Panorama (different subject than Aerial Photo): 30 pts.
Panorama matches plan for Aerial Panorama (include Left, Middle, and Right images from Google Earth): 10 pts.

Example file names (ALWAYS Lastname FirstInitial!) placed in a folder named "BealoM Prj1 Photos" [Your name is not BealoM, that's mine]:
BealoM Aerial.psd
BealoM Aerial previs.png
BealoM Pano.psd
BealoM Pano previsL.jpg
BealoM Pano previsM.jpg
BealoM Pano previsR.jpg

2) UHD/4K Aerial Video (single operator) (100 pts. possible)
Each student will select a building or structure on campus and capture and edit digital video for promotional purposes.

Grading - Aerial Video - Single (100 pts. possible)
Storyboard and plan the shots: 20 pts. (BealoM Vid previsL.jpg, BealoM Vid previsM.jpg, BealoM Vid previsR.jpg)
Capture Aerial Video: 30 pts.
Edited video: 30 pts. (BealoM Video.mp4 or .mov or .m4v)
Video matches plan: 20 pts.

Files placed in a folder named "BealoM Prj2 Video"

3) UHD/4K Aerial Video (dual operators): (100 pts. possible)
Each student team will select a building or structure on campus and capture and edit digital video for promotional purposes.

Grading -Aerial Video - Dual (100 pts. possible)
Storyboard and plan the shots: 20 pts. (BealoM Dual previsL.jpg, BealoM Dual previsM.jpg, BealoM Dual previsR.jpg)
Edited Video where you were:
Camera Operator: 40 pts.
UAS Pilot: 40 pts.
(Edited video with titles depicting the shot where you operated Camera, and the shot where you were the pilot)

Files placed in a folder named "BealoM Prj3 Dual"

4) UHD/4K Smart Shots/Intelligent Modes: (100 pts. possible)
Each student will program a flight and capture video using smart shots. (Same file naming scheme as other projects)

Grading - Smart Shots/Intelligent Modes (100 pts. possible)
Storyboard and plan the shots: 20 pts. (as many as necessary to show the plan for EACH Smart Shot /Intelligent Mode)
Edited Orbit/Point of Interest (POI) video: 20 pts.
Edited Student Choice video: 20 pts.
Edited Course Lock (Two waypoints in straight line) video: 20 pts.
Edited Waypoint flight plan (at least 4 points) video: 20 pts.

Files placed in a folder named "BealoM Prj4 Smart Shots"

5) Surveying/Mapping: (100 pts. possible)
Each student will select a building or structure on campus from which to create a 3D map. Mission is to be flown within 2 hours of solar noon.

Grading - Surveying/Mapping (100 pts. possible)
Plan the mission and acquire images: 20 pts.
Export Ortho Tiff from Metashape with KML and World files: 20 pts. (BealoM Ortho.tif, BealoM Ortho.kml, BealoM Ortho.tfw)
Export DEM Tiff from Metashape with KML and World files: 20 pts. (BealoM DEM.tif, BealoM DEM.kml, BealoM DEM.tfw)
Use Metashape to create a pdf of the 3D Model: 20 pts. (BealoM 3D.pdf)
Export Report in pdf: 20 pts. (BealoM Report.pdf)

Files placed in a folder named "BealoM Prj5 Mapping"

6) UHD/4K Group Video Project: (200 pts. possible)
Use aerial digital video techniques to put together a 2-5 minute production. Script must be finished and cleared by instructor before production starts.

Grading - Group Video Project (200 pts. possible)
Effectively participate and work with a team: 25 pts.
Storyboard and script idea: 25 pts.
(as many as necessary to show the plan for EACH shot)
Capture aerial digital video: 25 pts.
Editing: 25 pts.
Final Video: 100 pts.

Files placed in a folder named "BealoM Prj6 Scripted"

Assistant Professor Mark Bealo
Palomar College Graphic Communications
1140 West Mission Road • San Marcos, CA 92069
760.744.1150 ext. 2958