COURSE SYLLABUS


Instructor: Patriceann Mead, (Office: D3M, ext. 2969)

 MW12:30-1:50,  Fall and Spring semesters




A unique repertory and literature class designed to introduce traditional and contemporary social dances from around the world.  The course content will focus on dances originating from West Africa, North Brazil, the Caribbean, Mexico, South Sea Islands, Asia, India, Middle East, Europe and Native American.   The course will culminate in a lecture demonstration which will give the students an opportunity to perform and experience the vitality of the music and dance of various cultures.  Students will also explore the stereo types inherent in our impressions about other cultures because of the images portrayed by Hollywood in film since the 1930s to the present.




*          Develop an understanding of the various facts and meaning of traditional dance: religious and secular.

*          Explore the similarities and differences between traditional dances.

*          Explore contemporary social dances from those regions.

*          Develop Kinesthetic (movement) awareness fundamental to these dances.

*          Enhance a cross-cultural perspective of the arts.

*          Explore movement that may not be culturally familiar and increase movement vocabulary.

*          Learn the importance of music and dance within traditional societies.

*          Experience the Joy of Dance and Performing.  Deepen understanding of one's own cultural dance.

*          Observe (through visual aids) dance artists from around the world.

*          Learn how to view/appreciate and critique ethnic dance from other cultures.

*          Develop an understanding of the influence of western thinking on world dance.



Unit #1 MOVEMENT FUNDAMENTALS                             Unit #7 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION

            Introduction to movement                                                          Asia: Japanese: Folk


Unit #2 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION                                 Unit #8 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION

            West Africa: Folk, ritual, social entertainment                         South Asia: Balinese: Folk


Unit #3 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION                                 Unit #9 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION

            Brazil: Folk, social, capoeira (Brazilian Martial Art)               South Seas Island: Folk


Unit #4 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION                                 Unit #10 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION

            Caribbean: Cuba,  Jamaica, Puerto Rico                                     Europe: Ireland, Folk

            Dominican Republic: Folk, social          

                                                                                                  Unit #11 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION

Unit #5 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION                                             Native American

            Mexico: Folk,

 Unit #6 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION                               Unit #12 MOVEMENT EXPLORATION

            Middle East: Folk                                                                    India: Folk




Mead, Patriceann, Lab Manuals - to be handed out (2 packets)




Geri, David.  Looking Out: Perspectives on Dance and Criticism in a Multicultural World. New York: Schirmer Books, 1995.


Di Allo, Yaya, The Healing Drum. Rochester: Destiny Books, 1989.


Murphy, Joseph M., Santeria: African Spirits in America. Mass.: Beacon Press Books, 1995.


Wosien, Maria-Gabriele. Sacred Dance: Encounter with the Gods.  New  York: Thames and Hudson Inc., 1989.




*          Reading material (2 packets to be handed out).

*          Choose a topic for your research paper.  Short summary and bibliography due by midterm.

*          Essay exam: Cuba and Brazil

*          Midterm exam: essay questions from packet #1.

*          Choose specific dance for group dance project: lecture/demonstration.  This project is the final and will be presented at the end of the semester.

*          One (1) concert critique (written on a cultural event relative to this class).  Extra credit for attending        additional events. (3-4 pages)  All critiques are due: Refer to class schedule.

*         One field trip to a world dance class at Palomar

*          Journal - keep record of lectures/videos/specific dances explored in class, guest artists and personal       growth.

*          Read appropriate articles for corresponding movement units.

*          Research paper due: Refer to class schedule. (8 pages).

*          Final dance project - Student lecture/presentations

*          All assignments must be typed/double spaced - 12 font.

*          No credit for late work.




*          Must include at least five (5) sources: 3 periodicals/2 books/1 video and/or interview.

*          Must be at least (8) pages total, double spaced, 12 font, including a title page and bibliography page.

*          You may choose any (non-Western) cultural dance except for specific dances covered in detail during   class.


DANCE PROJECT - Solo or Group


*          Choose a traditional dance from your background or from the background of someone in your group.

*          Must include visual aids, discussion of history/origin and role of dance.

*          Excerpt from a video if possible.

*          Appropriate costume/music and short presentation of the dance.

*          This project is designed for you to explore traditions from your heritage.  It is a creative project!                           So…Be creative and allow the process to be educational and fun!!!

*          Must include an outline of material to be presented.



Student name______________________

Contact number____________________



                                                # of Points


Reading Assignments/Discussion    ________ 20

Essay Exam                                      ________ 20

Midterm Essay Exam                       ________ 15

Field Trip                                         ________   5

Concert Critique                             ________ 10

Research paper                               ________ 15

Final Dance Project                                ________ 15

Extra Credit                                    ________

                                Total                ________ 100


*After 3 absences 5 points off for each one.

A- 90-100 pts

B - 80-89

C - 70-79

D - 60-69

F - 60 or below


*      All work must be typed.

*      Late work will not be accepted.