Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Lesson 5

Measures of Variability

Roger N. Morrissette, PhD


I.  Measures of Variability (Video Lesson 5 I) (YouTube version)

Measures of Variability tell us the degree to which the scores in a data distribution vary from the mean score. This can reveal the consistency or similarity of the scores in a distribution and can indicate just how much the average score truly represents all the scores in the distribution.

II. The Range        

The first type of variability measure is called the Range. It consists of the full extent of the scores in a distribution, from the highest score to the lowest score. The range is severely affected by extreme scores in your data distribution.  Just one of these extreme scores can significantly alter the range. Therefore the range is not used as a reliable measure of variability.  The formula for the range is shown below:

Range  =  high score – low score


III. Average Mean Deviation

The Average Mean Deviation (AMD) is the average deviation of each score about the mean of the distribution.  To calculate the average mean deviation you first need to calculate the mean. Next you need to subtract the mean from all of the raw scores. These scores are now called the deviation scores or mean deviations and are represented by little "x."  We next sum all the deviation scores and divide by the total number of scores to get to the average mean deviation. The formula for the average mean deviation is shown below:



The formula reads: Average mean deviation equals the sum of all the deviation scores (Xbar or the mean subtracted from each raw score) divided by the sample size (n). We can abbreviate the numerator of the equation, the sum of the deviation scores by using the sum of little x, since little x is the symbol for deviation score.

The major problem with the Average Mean Deviation is that it always equals zero (as is shown in the table below).  This makes it impossible to compare the variability of one distribution with another. Therefore the average mean deviation is not used as a reliable measure of variability.



x or (X - Xbar)

x or (X - Xbar)

1 1 - 3 -2
2 2 - 3 -1
3 3 - 3 0
4 4 - 3 1
5 5 - 3 2
Σ X = 15 n = 5 Σ x = 0

Xbar = 15 / 5


AMD = 0 / 5

Xbar  = 3


AMD = 0


IV. The Relationship Between Population/Sample and Variance/Standard Deviation (Video Lesson 5 IV) (YouTube version)

As you might remember from Lesson 1, Populations are big and Samples are small. Samples are taken from an overall Population. Statistics are calculated on Samples not Populations because Populations are too big and the data is virtually impossible to collect. The results from a "good" Sample can be inferred to the overall Population. That said we still have statistics for Populations. The "Variance" gets around the problem of average mean deviation by squaring the deviation scores. The "Standard Deviation" is simply the square root of the Variance and gives us a more realistic value of deviation about the means. The calculation of both Variance and Standard Deviation are discussed in section V and VI respectively. Below are the Population and Sample formulas for both Variance and Standard Deviation. Please make a note of the differences between the two but know that you will ONLY be using the Sample formulas for the homework and examinations.


Variance Standard Deviation

Population Variance (Non-Computational formula)

Population Standard Deviation (Non-Computational formula)

Sample Variance (Non-Computational formula)

Sample Standard Deviation (Non-Computational formula)

Sample Variance (Computational formula)

Sample Standard Deviation (Computational formula)
Sample Variance (Grouped Frequency formula)
Sample Standard Deviation (Grouped Frequency formula)


V. Variance

 One way to get around the problem of the average mean deviation always equaling to zero is to simply square the deviation scores. By doing this we are on our way to calculate the Variance or the mean of the squared differences. The first step is to calculate the mean as we did in solving for the average mean deviation. We must then again subtract the mean from all of the raw scores to get the deviation scores.  Now we square all of the deviation scores, sum them, and divide by the total number of scores minus 1.  Just as we did with measures of central tendency, we can calculate the variance for raw data and grouped frequency data. We can also calculate the variance for both a population and a sample and there are two different formulas you can use, the non-computational formula and the computational formula.


A. Raw Data Collection:


The non-computational formula for the variance of a population using raw data is:


The formula reads: sigma squared (variance of a population) equals the sum of all the squared deviation scores of the population (raw scores minus mu or the mean of the population) divided by capital N or the number of scores in the population.


The non-computational formula for the variance of a sample using raw data is: (Video Lesson 5 VA1) (YouTube version) (Raw Data Standard Deviation/Variance Calculation - YouTube version) (mp4 version)

The formula reads: capital S squared (variance of a sample) equals the sum of all the squared deviation scores of the sample (raw scores minus x bar or the mean of the sample) divided by lower case n or the number of scores in the sample minus 1.


To solve the non-computational formula for the variance of a sample using raw data we first take our raw scores, put them in a table, calculate the mean, calculate the deviation scores, square the deviation scores and then sum the squared deviation scores:


Raw score data:     2  4  5  1  3


x or (X - Xbar)

x or (X - Xbar)

x2 or (X - Xbar)2

2 2 - 3 -1 1
4 4 - 3 1 1
5 5 - 3 2 4
1 1 - 3 -2 4
3 3 - 3 0 0
Σ X = 15     Σ x2 = 10
n = 5

Xbar = 15 / 5



Xbar  = 3


Σ (X - Xbar)2 = 10

Now we can solve the non-computational formula for the variance of a sample using raw data:

S2 = Σ (X - Xbar)2/ n - 1


S2 = 10 / 5 - 1


S2 = 10 / 4


S2 = 2.5


The variance for the data set above is 2.5.

The computational formula for the variance of a sample using raw data is:  (Video Lesson 5 VA2) (YouTube version)  (Raw Data Standard Deviation/Variance Calculation - YouTube version) (mp4 version)

The formula reads: capital S squared (variance of a sample) equals the sum of all the raw scores squared minus the sum of all the raw scores then squared and divided by the sample size. This entire numerator is then divided by the sample size minus 1.


To solve the computational formula for the variance of a sample using raw data we first take our raw scores, put them in a table, square them, and sum the squared values:


Raw score data:     2  4  5  1  3



2 4
4 16
5 25
1 1
3 9
Σ X = 15 Σ X2 = 55
n = 5


Now we can solve the computational formula for the variance of a sample using raw data:

S2 = (Σ X2 - (Σ X)2 / n) / n - 1


S2 = (55 - (15)2 / 5) / 5 - 1


S2 = (55 - 225/ 5) / 4


S2 = (55 - 45) / 4


S2 = 10 / 4


S2 = 2.5


The variance for the data set above is 2.5.  Notice how both the non-computational formula and computational formula came up with the exact same answer. You can use which ever one you are more comfortable with to solve the variance problems on the exam.



B. Grouped Frequency Data: (Video Lesson 5 VB) (YouTube version)  (Grouped Frequency Standard Deviation/Variance Calculation - YouTube version) (mp4 version)


When you do not have raw data but instead have only Grouped Frequency Data, as is shown in the table below, the calculation of the variance is a bit different.


Apparent Limits Frequency
81-90 5
71-80 3
61-70 12
51-60 16
41-50 33
31-40 21
21-30 15
11-20 7
Sum 112

The formula for the variance of a sample using grouped frequency data is:

The formula reads: capital S squared (variance of a sample) equals the sum of all the frequencies multiplied by the square of their deviation scores and then the entire numerator is divided by the sample size minus 1.  CAUTION: remember that little x equals (MIDPOINT - Xbar)


To solve the formula we first make a column for midpoints and frequency times midpoints, then calculate the mean.

Apparent Limits Frequency Midpoints Frequency x Midpoints
81-90 5 85.5 427.5
71-80 3 75.5 226.5
61-70 12 65.5 786
51-60 16 55.5 888
41-50 33 45.5 1501.5
31-40 21 35.5 745.5
21-30 15 25.5 382.5
11-20 7 15.5 108.5
Sum 112   5066



Xbar = Σ (Frequency x Midpoint) / n


Xbar = 5066 / 112


Xbar = 45.23

Using the mean we can now generate a deviation score column, a squared deviation score column, a frequency times squared deviation score column and the sums of the columns:

Apparent Limits Frequency Midpoints Frequency x Midpoints

x or

(Midpoint -Xbar)

x2 or

(Midpoint -Xbar)2

Frequency x (Midpoint -Xbar)2
81-90 5 85.5 427.5 40.27 1621.673 8108.365
71-80 3 75.5 226.5 30.27 916.273 2748.819
61-70 12 65.5 786 20.27 410.873 4930.475
51-60 16 55.5 888 10.27 105.473 1687.566
41-50 33 45.5 1501.5 0.27 0.073 2.406
31-40 21 35.5 745.5 -9.73 94.673 1988.131
21-30 15 25.5 382.5 -19.73 389.273 5839.094
11-20 7 15.5 108.5 -29.73 883.873 6187.11
Sum 112         31491.96
      Xbar = 45.23      



S2 = Σ (F · x2) / n - 1


S2 = 31491.96 / 112 - 1


S2 = 31491.96 / 111


S2 = 283.711


The variance for the data set above is 283.711.

VI. Standard Deviation (Video Lesson 5 VI) (YouTube version)

The Standard Deviation is simply the square root of the variance.  It represents an average measure of the amount each score deviates from the mean.  The standard deviation is in the same units as the original raw scores so is an ideal measure of variability.  Just as we did with measures of central tendency and variance, we can calculate the standard deviation for raw data and grouped frequency data. We can also calculate the standard deviation for both a population and a sample and there are two different formulas you can use, the non-computational formula and the computational formula.  All of these formulas are calculated in the exact manner as solving for variance except that once you have found the variance you simply take the square root of that value to determine the standard deviation.

The non-computational formula for the standard deviation of a population using raw data is:


The formula reads: sigma (standard deviation of a population) equals the square root of the sum of all the squared deviation scores of the population (raw scores minus mu or the mean of the population) divided by capital N or the number of scores in the population.


The non-computational formula for the standard deviation of a sample using raw data is:

The formula reads: capital S (standard deviation of a sample) equals the square root of the sum of all the squared deviation scores of the sample (raw scores minus x bar or the mean of the sample) divided by lower case n or the number of scores in the sample minus 1.

The computational formula for the standard deviation of a sample using raw data is:

The formula reads: capital S (standard deviation of a sample) equals the square root of the sum of all the raw scores squared minus the sum of all the raw scores then squared and divided by the sample size. This entire numerator is then divided by the sample size minus 1.


The formula for the standard deviation of a sample using grouped frequency data is:


The formula reads: capital S (standard deviation of a sample) equals the square root of the sum of all the frequencies multiplied by the square of their deviation scores and then the entire numerator is divided by the sample size minus 1.  CAUTION: remember that little x equals (MIDPOINT - Xbar)


Additional Videos on the Concepts that might help:

Range, Variance, Standard Deviation

How to Calculate Standard Deviation and Variance

What is Variance in Statistics?

Finding the Standard Deviation of a Data Set

Standard Deviation