AIS 100: Introduction to American Indian Studies


 Language Phyla

Human languages are the key to understanding cultures and how humans have responded to their respective environments.  Edward Sapir (1884-1939) and Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941 ), Sapir's student, developed theories about the profound influence of language on thought and experience. These findings were based on their research of Native American languages with an emphasis on cultural differences in thinking about concepts like time. However, other scholars lean toward the idea that language is influenced by thought and experience. Today it is becoming accepted that a systemic approach with feedback and feedforward allows a more complex picture with both language influencing culture and being influenced by culture. Also, linguistic research has shown Native American languages to be equally complex as any in the world. There were over 700 languages on the American continent from the Arctic in the North to Tierra del Fuego in the South.

The classification of languages begins to generate origin patterns and relationships between Native People more than environments. Recent studies have shown that language affiliation is reflected in genetic affiliation being constructed in the genome project. Linguistic classification is loosely modeled after Linnean taxonomy with the following hierarchy. English and Luiseno(Native Southern Californa)  are used to provide examples
Language Classification English Luiseno
Phyla Indo-European Aztec-Tanoan
Family Teutonic/Germanic Shoshonean
Subfamily English Takic
Language American English Luiseno
Dialect S. California SW Coast

As with many classification  system there is considerable debate about the various categories with extremes between those scholars that lump many groups together versus those that split many groups apart. There are also languages that defy classification that we will simply catogorize as UNK/unknown.



PaleoSiberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit(Eskimo), Yupik, Aleut Arctic
NaDene Haida Haida NW Coast
Tlingit Tlingit NW Coast
Athabascan Kaska, Tanana, Chipewayan,Kutchin, etc. Subarctic
Hupa ,Tolowa California
Navajo, Apache Southwest
Kiowa Apache,Sarsi Plains
Macro-Algonkian Algonkian Cree,Micmac,Montagnais, Naskapi, etc Subarctic
Wiyot, Yurok California
Atsina, Arapaho,Cheyenne, Blackfeet Plains
    Ojibwa(Chippewa) Delaware, Algonquin,Ottawa Fox-Sauk,Penobscot,Illinois, Kickapoo,Shawnee,Powhatan,      Menominee, Potawatomi,etc E. Woodlands
  Muskogean Alabamu,Chickasaw,Choctaw, Creek,Seminole E. Woodlands
  Natchez Natchez E. Woodlands
Penutian Chinookan Chinook NW Coast
  Coos Coos NW Coast
  Tsimshian Tsimshian NW Coast
  Klamath-Modoc Klamath, Modoc Plateau/California
  Cayuse Cayuse Plateau
  Sahaptin Klikitat,Nez Perce,Umatilla, Yakima, Walla Walla Plateau
Maidu-Wintun Maidu,Nissen,Wintun California
Miwok-Costanoan Miwok, Costanoan(Oolone ) California
Yokuts Yokuts California
Zuni Zuni Southwest
Hokan Karok Karok California
Shastan Shasta, etc California
Palaihnihan Achumawi,Atsugewi California
Pomoan Pomo (7grps), Yana California
Salinan Salinas California
Yuman Diegueno(Kumeyaay) California
Cocopa,Havasupai,Yuma, Walapai,Yavapai,Mojave Southwest
Aztec-Tanoan Uto-Aztecan Luiseno,Cahuilla, Gabrielino,Cupeno,etc California
Paiute,Shoshoni,Ute Basin
Hopi,Tohono O'otam(Papago),  Akimel O'otam(Pima),Yaqui, Tarahumara,etc Southwest
Comanche Plains
Kiowa-Tanoan Tewa,Tiwa,Towa(Pueblos) Southwest
Kiowa Plains
Macro-Siouan Siouan Assiniboine,Crow,  Dakota/Lakota,Hidatsa,Iowa, Kansa,Osage,Omaha,Pona, Quapaw Plains
Winnebago E. Woodlands
Caddoan Arikara,Caddo,Pawnee,Wichita Plains
Catabwa Catabwa E. Woodlands
Iroquoian Seneca,Oneida,Onondaga, Cayuga,Mohawk,Tuscarora,Huron, Neutral,Tobacco,Cherokee E. Woodlands
Yuchi Yuchi

Meso America

Hokan Cochimi-Yuman Cochimi Baja CA
Aztec-Tanoan Nahua Nahuatl(Aztec),Tepehuan, Opata,Pochutec C. Mexico
Pipil El Salvador, Nicaragua
Cora-Huichol Cora,Huichol C. Mexico
Mayan Chol-Tzeltal Chol,Tzeltal,Tzoltzil,Chontal, Huastec, Chorti El Peten, Guatamalan Highlands, Tobasco
Quiche-Mamean Quiche,Mam,Poqomam El Peten, Mexican Highlands
Q'anjobalan Chuj,Q'anjobal,Motocintlec El Peten, Mexican Highlands
Yucatecan Lacandon,Itza,Yucatec,Mopan El Peten, Yucatan Peninsula
Oto-Manguean Oto-Pamean Otomi,Pame,Mazahua,Matlatzinca, Ocuilteco,Chichimeco C. Mexico
Popolucan Popoloca,Mazatec,Chocho Isthmus of Tehuantepec
Mixtec-Zapotecan Mixtec,Zapotec,Zoque,Tapachultec Oaxaca
Chiapanec-Mangue Mangue,Nicaro,Nicoya C. America/Nicaragua
Totomac Tepehua, Tonac Vera Cruz Coast
Andean-Equatorial Arawakan Taino,Sub-Taino, Ciboney Greater Antilles
Ge-Pano-Carib Carib Carib Lesser Antilles


South America

Hokan   Yurumangui N. Tropics (Col)
Ge-Pano-Carib Panoan Panobo,Kaxahari,Cashibo,Sharanawa, Karipuna Gran Choco
  Tacanan Tacana,Araona,Chama Gran Choco
  Matacoan Chorti,Maca,Mataco Pampas
  Mascoyan Guana,Sanpana,Lengua Pampas
  Ge (Je) Bororo,Krenak,Xavante,Kayapo, Timbira Amazon
Andean Equatorial Arawakan Taino,Guajiro,Arawak,Paresi,Piro, Campa,Guana,Chane,Baure,Mojo Caribbean,Andes,Amazon,Gran Chaco
  Tupi-Guarani Tupinamba,Camayura,Mundurucu, Parintintin,Guarani,Chiriguano,Sirono Brazilian Highlands,Gran Choco,Amazon,Andes
  Jivaroan Jivaro,Palta Amazon
  Witotoan Bora,Muinane,Ocaina,Minica,Murui N. Trop.,Andes
  Araucanian-Chon Araucanian,Chono,Ono, Puelche.Tehuelche,Yahgan Pampas.Tierra del Fuego
  Quechuan Quechua,Aymara Andes