Truths & Lies
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Native American Truths & Lies JCooday%2FTlingit.jpg (9358 bytes) Painting: J. Cooday (Tlingit)

   I . Columbus didn't discover anything and wasn't first.                                                

  II. Columbus was not just curious and noble in motive.

 III. Columbus and his crew nor Native Americans saw the earth as flat.

               Colprot.jpg (15184 bytes)

IV. The population of the Americas was not a few 'roving bands' in a wilderness.

                                             North America     14 million

                                             Meso-America      46 million

                                             South America      43 million   

 V. Native Americans were not backward and primitive.

          the'primitive image'.


           the nearest native American leader, Guacanagari, who resupplied

          Columbus and unloaded the wrecked Santa Maria before it sank.

          Copyright © S.J. Crouthamel