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The Bravura


Laura Grifka

Ignited in the eyes
despite the torrent of tears
and emotional droughts
which wiped away any trace of many before…
eyes forward, jaw clenched
smoldering in the cavernous mind
ignored, but not forgotten.
fed by the echo of memory and experience.
absorbed into the body
coursing through the veins,
restless and yearning for escape,
desperate and hopeless,
until an exit is spied:
the tongue moistens the lips
a quick inhale…
a click of the teeth
lips clamping down
racing through every nerve
searching for release
pounding every inch
pressure building mounting
It cannot be contained…
It bursts through the fingertips!
rushing through the pen
spilling on the page.
heart racing, fingers trembling
a slow, steady exhale…
once so close to erasure,
it is now immortal.