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The Bravura

Stray Cat

Hannah Lott-Schwartz

So I’ve become estranged like a stray cat on the loose,
Picking at the leftovers of yesterday.
They weren’t good enough for you    
But good enough for trash pickers and booze kickers alike,
Like me.
But if I had a choice I’d stay.
It’s better this way,
Without the tense world
And the hard words
And the stupid boys
And the scuzzy girls
And the broken criminals I taught to fight
With fists of metal that hammered lightly
On the flesh of the enemy.
It wasn’t you, it was me.
Bitten by the hand that feeds me,
Betrayed by those who need me,
Left to decay like your leftovers of our yesterday
Like you weren’t there by my side
Committing our crimes.
You binged with a drunken majestic
Leaving me to be molested
Like I liked it,
Like I wanted nothing more than to have no choice
And make no effort against it
Because you landed me
Before I landed you.
Left me in the can with fish bones and roaches
As if devotion was a foreign tongue too tainted to be kissed
And licked and sucked at like you sucked me.
I refuse to bow at the knee,
To grovel,
Because, your Majesty,
I disagree on your dreams,
Trying to make us live in an affirmative action,
Closed caption, killing spree.
Well thumb your society.
I spit at your feet
And take the appropriate beating
For my lack of loyalty to your dishonesty.
And now arrest me,
Molest my right to be free,
To free speech,
To howl at you for claiming to represent me
When you’ll walk by me
Like you don’t see me,
Like you don’t hear me screaming my heart
And tearing my lungs apart
Just so you’ll know me.
It’s not too much to ask
For a question answered honestly,
But to hear it and keep my dignity?
You may as well rape me.
You’ve already left me bone dry
In a time when I was sky high
And people respected my mind for what it said
Rather than what drug induced behaviors it bled.
I dare you to bring out the big guns,
You know,
The fun ones.
The ones that point and shoot for you.
Because I’m dodging bullets like I’m a fan of the dance
When all I really wanted was an equal chance
To land you
Before you landed me
‘Cause I’m knee high in grime you prized
And scum you circumcised
With those hands,
Not mine!
I refuse to add a dime of my life to your campaign
Of a free and better yesterday
‘Cause I was there,
Boozing and picking at leftovers taken away
‘Cause I couldn’t afford to pay the bookie who left me
Bleeding and screaming without any travesty to ease the pain
Of hearts giving up virginity for luxury
And loyalty for fallacy.
I would rather choke on your lies than swallow
And let them ride me from the inside.